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Pompeo alienates Germany, now sows discord in Eastern Europe
“Soft power” as a US asset took decades to build but will be quickly ruined. It is up to China to acquire more soft power by persistently being a more responsible global citizen than the US. Currently, that bar couldn’t be much lower.
Pompeo alienates Germany, now sows discord in Eastern Europe
“Soft power” as a US asset took decades to build but will be quickly ruined. It is up to China to acquire more soft power by persistently being a more responsible global citizen than the US. Currently, that bar couldn’t be much lower.
Pompeo alienates Germany, now sows discord in Eastern Europe
“Soft power” as a US asset took decades to build but will be quickly ruined. It is up to China to acquire more soft power by persistently being a more responsible global citizen than the US. Currently, that bar couldn’t be much lower.
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22- titlePompeo alienates Germany, now sows discord in Eastern Europe - Global Times
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7- twitter:imagehttps://www.globaltimes.cn/Portals/0/attachment/2020/2020-08-14/ed775e88-a3cc-4136-b5a3-221616d8d87c.jpeg
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