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How anxious is US about report on China’s ‘hypersonic weapons’? Biden gives the answer

I am somewhat worried about US elites of international politics. Their country is the most militarily advanced and secured country in the world, but they have acted as if the US is against the wall. The US can be said to be most neurotic in the world. The root cause is their incorrect security concept. They want the US to be absolutely safe. In that case, other countries must obey the US, or they will be struck by the US. However, this kind of absolute security does not exist in today’s world.


How anxious is US about report on China’s ‘hypersonic weapons’? Biden gives the answer


I am somewhat worried about US elites of international politics. Their country is the most militarily advanced and secured country in the world, but they have acted as if the US is against the wall. The US can be said to be most neurotic in the world. The root cause is their incorrect security concept. They want the US to be absolutely safe. In that case, other countries must obey the US, or they will be struck by the US. However, this kind of absolute security does not exist in today’s world.



How anxious is US about report on China’s ‘hypersonic weapons’? Biden gives the answer

I am somewhat worried about US elites of international politics. Their country is the most militarily advanced and secured country in the world, but they have acted as if the US is against the wall. The US can be said to be most neurotic in the world. The root cause is their incorrect security concept. They want the US to be absolutely safe. In that case, other countries must obey the US, or they will be struck by the US. However, this kind of absolute security does not exist in today’s world.

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      How anxious is US about report on China’s ‘hypersonic weapons’? Biden gives the answer - Global Times
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      How anxious is US about report on China’s ‘hypersonic weapons’? Biden gives the answer
