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Chinese Embassy in Solomon Islands condemns violence, warns nationals of security risks
The Chinese Embassy in the Solomon Islands strongly condemned the violence and express sincere sympathy to the stranded overseas Chinese as Chinese merchants and shops suffered from severe economic losses and hundreds of Chinese nationals became homeless due to the severe social riots in capital Honiara.
Chinese Embassy in Solomon Islands condemns violence, warns nationals of security risks
The Chinese Embassy in the Solomon Islands strongly condemned the violence and express sincere sympathy to the stranded overseas Chinese as Chinese merchants and shops suffered from severe economic losses and hundreds of Chinese nationals became homeless due to the severe social riots in capital Honiara.
Chinese Embassy in Solomon Islands condemns violence, warns nationals of security risks
The Chinese Embassy in the Solomon Islands strongly condemned the violence and express sincere sympathy to the stranded overseas Chinese as Chinese merchants and shops suffered from severe economic losses and hundreds of Chinese nationals became homeless due to the severe social riots in capital Honiara.
General Meta Tags
22- titleChinese Embassy in Solomon Islands condemns violence, warns nationals of security risks - Global Times
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Open Graph Meta Tags
1- og:imagehttps://www.globaltimes.cn/Portals/0/attachment/2021/2021-12-05/10724802-66e2-4d4f-8a72-810f5b9918b2.jpeg
Twitter Meta Tags
7- twitter:imagehttps://www.globaltimes.cn/Portals/0/attachment/2021/2021-12-05/10724802-66e2-4d4f-8a72-810f5b9918b2.jpeg
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- twitter:site@globaltimesnews
- twitter:urlhttps://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202112/1240718.shtml
- twitter:titleChinese Embassy in Solomon Islands condemns violence, warns nationals of security risks
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