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Technical upgrading helps Chinese NEV makers overcome challenges
As a GAC Aion Hyper GT rolled off the production line in Guangzhou, South China's Guangdong Province on Monday, China's 20 millionth new-energy vehicle (NEV) was born, creating a remarkable milestone for the country's NEV sector, news portal stcn.com reported.
Technical upgrading helps Chinese NEV makers overcome challenges
As a GAC Aion Hyper GT rolled off the production line in Guangzhou, South China's Guangdong Province on Monday, China's 20 millionth new-energy vehicle (NEV) was born, creating a remarkable milestone for the country's NEV sector, news portal stcn.com reported.
Technical upgrading helps Chinese NEV makers overcome challenges
As a GAC Aion Hyper GT rolled off the production line in Guangzhou, South China's Guangdong Province on Monday, China's 20 millionth new-energy vehicle (NEV) was born, creating a remarkable milestone for the country's NEV sector, news portal stcn.com reported.
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