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Nine departments issue guideline to better inbound tourist services
Making payment methods easier for inbound tourists in China is just one of the many measures stressed in the guidelines recently published by nine Chinese central government departments, including the Ministry of Culture and Tourism.
Nine departments issue guideline to better inbound tourist services
Making payment methods easier for inbound tourists in China is just one of the many measures stressed in the guidelines recently published by nine Chinese central government departments, including the Ministry of Culture and Tourism.
Nine departments issue guideline to better inbound tourist services
Making payment methods easier for inbound tourists in China is just one of the many measures stressed in the guidelines recently published by nine Chinese central government departments, including the Ministry of Culture and Tourism.
General Meta Tags
22- titleNine departments issue guideline to better inbound tourist services - Global Times
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Open Graph Meta Tags
1- og:imagehttps://www.globaltimes.cn/Portals/0/attachment/2024/2024-07-10/19ec431e-c4ed-4f0c-9da8-3338bf7ebcc9.jpg
Twitter Meta Tags
7- twitter:imagehttps://www.globaltimes.cn/Portals/0/attachment/2024/2024-07-10/19ec431e-c4ed-4f0c-9da8-3338bf7ebcc9.jpg
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- https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202407/1316274.shtml