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Chinese private banks cut deposit rates; move to promote consumption, increase capital liquidity
With more Chinese private banks including Wuhan Z-bank, Zhejiang E-Commerce Bank and WeBank having cut their deposit rates in September, experts said on Sunday that the move will reduce pressure on their liability expenses and enhance the sustainability of financial services to the real economy.
Chinese private banks cut deposit rates; move to promote consumption, increase capital liquidity
With more Chinese private banks including Wuhan Z-bank, Zhejiang E-Commerce Bank and WeBank having cut their deposit rates in September, experts said on Sunday that the move will reduce pressure on their liability expenses and enhance the sustainability of financial services to the real economy.
Chinese private banks cut deposit rates; move to promote consumption, increase capital liquidity
With more Chinese private banks including Wuhan Z-bank, Zhejiang E-Commerce Bank and WeBank having cut their deposit rates in September, experts said on Sunday that the move will reduce pressure on their liability expenses and enhance the sustainability of financial services to the real economy.
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22- titleChinese private banks cut deposit rates; move to promote consumption, increase capital liquidity - Global Times
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