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6- titleGroupTravelTECH: Saas Solutions for Group Travel Management
- Content-Typetext/html; charset=utf-8
- keywordspackage software, tour software, Travel software, reservation software, group travel, event reservation, event registration, manage group travel, reservation software, travel planning, group reservation, manage group reservations, group travel solutions, Tours operators, reservation system, reservations systems, reservations softwares, groups traveling, events online reservations, events registrations, manage groups and travels, reservations softwares available, travels plannings, groups reservations,United States, America, Software, Europe
- descriptionGroupMinder is an app used to create, manage and sell group trips inhouse and on the web. Comprehensive, simple and intuitive. With GM, group travel is easy
- classificationevent registration, event reservation, group travel, reservation software,travel planning
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