Preview meta tags from the www.hr.admin.cam.ac.uk website.
Linked Hostnames
29- 426 links towww.hr.admin.cam.ac.uk
- 30 links towww.cam.ac.uk
- 6 links towww.postgraduate.study.cam.ac.uk
- 6 links towww.undergraduate.study.cam.ac.uk
- 3 links towww.philanthropy.cam.ac.uk
- 2 links tomap.cam.ac.uk
- 2 links towww.educ.cam.ac.uk
- 2 links towww.epe.admin.cam.ac.uk
General Meta Tags
13- titleForms | Human Resources
- Content-Typetext/html; charset=utf-8
- X-UA-CompatibleIE=edge
- descriptionForms and Templates The HR forms and templates are arranged into eight broad categories. Within each section, forms are listed alphabetically by their title. Click a category name below to jump to that category. Alternatively, if you know the form code or name, you can search for it using CTRL+F (Command + F for Mac users). 1. Recruitment and Appointment 5. Development and
- generatorDrupal 7 (https://www.drupal.org)
Link Tags
10- apple-touch-iconhttps://www.hr.admin.cam.ac.uk/profiles/cambridge/themes/cambridge_theme/apple-touch-icon.png
- canonicalhttps://www.hr.admin.cam.ac.uk/forms
- shortcut iconhttps://www.hr.admin.cam.ac.uk/sites/www.hr.admin.cam.ac.uk/themes/hrbasic/favicon.ico
- shortlinkhttps://www.hr.admin.cam.ac.uk/node/9
- stylesheethttps://www.hr.admin.cam.ac.uk/sites/www.hr.admin.cam.ac.uk/files/css/css_xE-rWrJf-fncB6ztZfd2huxqgxu4WO-qwma6Xer30m4.css
500- http://www.accommodation.cam.ac.uk
- http://www.equality.admin.cam.ac.uk
- http://www.hrsystems.admin.cam.ac.uk
- http://www.induction.admin.cam.ac.uk
- http://www.ppd.admin.cam.ac.uk