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Google’s Pixel 9 Pro Fold Nudges Foldables Toward Repairability - iFixit
With manuals, parts, and a fairly intuitive design, Google’s Pixel 9 Pro Fold introduces some welcome changes in an otherwise unrepairable category.
Google’s Pixel 9 Pro Fold Nudges Foldables Toward Repairability - iFixit
With manuals, parts, and a fairly intuitive design, Google’s Pixel 9 Pro Fold introduces some welcome changes in an otherwise unrepairable category.
Google’s Pixel 9 Pro Fold Nudges Foldables Toward Repairability - iFixit
With manuals, parts, and a fairly intuitive design, Google’s Pixel 9 Pro Fold introduces some welcome changes in an otherwise unrepairable category.
General Meta Tags
13- titleGoogle’s Pixel 9 Pro Fold Nudges Foldables Toward Repairability - iFixit
- Content-Typetext/html;charset=utf-8
- descriptionWith manuals, parts, and a fairly intuitive design, Google’s Pixel 9 Pro Fold introduces some welcome changes in an otherwise unrepairable category.
- titleGoogle’s Pixel 9 Pro Fold Nudges Foldables Toward Repairability - iFixit
- keywordsiFixit, Mac, MacBook, iPod, iPhone, Repair, Parts, XBox, PlayStation, Game Boy, Nintendo DSi, tools
Open Graph Meta Tags
9- og:typearticle
- og:titleGoogle’s Pixel 9 Pro Fold Nudges Foldables Toward Repairability
- og:imagehttps://valkyrie.cdn.ifixit.com/media/2024/09/12213736/base-battery.jpg
- og:descriptionWith manuals, parts, and a fairly intuitive design, Google’s Pixel 9 Pro Fold introduces some welcome changes in an otherwise unrepairable category.
- og:published_time2024-11-10T13:04:51-08:00
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