Preview meta tags from the www.kurakura.io website.
Linked Hostnames
7- 1 link toapps.apple.com
- 1 link todiscord.gg
- 1 link todocs.google.com
- 1 link toplay.google.com
- 1 link toproducthunt.com
- 1 link towww.instagram.com
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Search Engine Appearance
Kura Kura - emotion journaling made fun and easy!
Journal with personalized and science-backed prompts, track your emotions, and join a supportive community. Nurture self-discovery, mindfulness, and personal growth. Adopt your new companion for emotional growth today!
Kura Kura - emotion journaling made fun and easy!
Journal with personalized and science-backed prompts, track your emotions, and join a supportive community. Nurture self-discovery, mindfulness, and personal growth. Adopt your new companion for emotional growth today!
Kura Kura - emotion journaling made fun and easy!
Journal with personalized and science-backed prompts, track your emotions, and join a supportive community. Nurture self-discovery, mindfulness, and personal growth. Adopt your new companion for emotional growth today!
General Meta Tags
7- titleKura Kura - emotion journaling made fun and easy!
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- descriptionJournal with personalized and science-backed prompts, track your emotions, and join a supportive community. Nurture self-discovery, mindfulness, and personal growth. Adopt your new companion for emotional growth today!
Open Graph Meta Tags
5- og:typewebsite
- og:titleKura Kura - emotion journaling made fun and easy!
- og:descriptionJournal with personalized and science-backed prompts, track your emotions, and join a supportive community. Nurture self-discovery, mindfulness, and personal growth. Adopt your new companion for emotional growth today!
- og:imagehttps://framerusercontent.com/assets/7Ij03OpCmOHHCxxkLDMVxd1wfk.jpg
- og:urlhttps://kurakura.io/
Twitter Meta Tags
4- twitter:cardsummary_large_image
- twitter:titleKura Kura - emotion journaling made fun and easy!
- twitter:descriptionJournal with personalized and science-backed prompts, track your emotions, and join a supportive community. Nurture self-discovery, mindfulness, and personal growth. Adopt your new companion for emotional growth today!
- twitter:imagehttps://framerusercontent.com/assets/7Ij03OpCmOHHCxxkLDMVxd1wfk.jpg
Link Tags
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7- https://apps.apple.com/sg/app/kura-kura-emotion-journaling/id1568644076
- https://discord.gg/bnAWpUjg
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- https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.kura_kura.kura_kura&hl=en_IN&pli=1
- https://producthunt.com/products/kura-kura-3