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Volunteer Scotland | LinkedIn
Volunteer Scotland | 2,788 followers on LinkedIn. We exist to help you make a difference through volunteering. | Scotland, more than ever, needs us all to share in the nation’s common good. The potential to bring out the best in us has never been better and we’re supporting you by: - recognising the need for volunteers in Scotland - demonstrating how this brings about a difference for us all - understanding what volunteers and volunteer involving organisations want to do, and - making volunteering easy for everyone, so that more people volunteer and have a great time. We are the only national centre for volunteering and receive funded support from the Scottish Government and others to: - Research, demonstrate and measure the impact made by volunteers - Support paid staff and volunteers to develop skills through accessing training - Development tools, policies and good practice - Offer a one stop digital gateway to volunteer opportunities in Scotland - Provide an expert disclosure service for voluntary organisations - Support organisations and influencers such as funders, policy makers and Government - Work with partners to support projects, innovation and creativity in volunteering.
Volunteer Scotland | LinkedIn
Volunteer Scotland | 2,788 followers on LinkedIn. We exist to help you make a difference through volunteering. | Scotland, more than ever, needs us all to share in the nation’s common good. The potential to bring out the best in us has never been better and we’re supporting you by: - recognising the need for volunteers in Scotland - demonstrating how this brings about a difference for us all - understanding what volunteers and volunteer involving organisations want to do, and - making volunteering easy for everyone, so that more people volunteer and have a great time. We are the only national centre for volunteering and receive funded support from the Scottish Government and others to: - Research, demonstrate and measure the impact made by volunteers - Support paid staff and volunteers to develop skills through accessing training - Development tools, policies and good practice - Offer a one stop digital gateway to volunteer opportunities in Scotland - Provide an expert disclosure service for voluntary organisations - Support organisations and influencers such as funders, policy makers and Government - Work with partners to support projects, innovation and creativity in volunteering.
Volunteer Scotland | LinkedIn
Volunteer Scotland | 2,788 followers on LinkedIn. We exist to help you make a difference through volunteering. | Scotland, more than ever, needs us all to share in the nation’s common good. The potential to bring out the best in us has never been better and we’re supporting you by: - recognising the need for volunteers in Scotland - demonstrating how this brings about a difference for us all - understanding what volunteers and volunteer involving organisations want to do, and - making volunteering easy for everyone, so that more people volunteer and have a great time. We are the only national centre for volunteering and receive funded support from the Scottish Government and others to: - Research, demonstrate and measure the impact made by volunteers - Support paid staff and volunteers to develop skills through accessing training - Development tools, policies and good practice - Offer a one stop digital gateway to volunteer opportunities in Scotland - Provide an expert disclosure service for voluntary organisations - Support organisations and influencers such as funders, policy makers and Government - Work with partners to support projects, innovation and creativity in volunteering.
General Meta Tags
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Open Graph Meta Tags
5- og:titleVolunteer Scotland | LinkedIn
- og:descriptionVolunteer Scotland | 2,788 followers on LinkedIn. We exist to help you make a difference through volunteering. | Scotland, more than ever, needs us all to share in the nation’s common good. The potential to bring out the best in us has never been better and we’re supporting you by: - recognising the need for volunteers in Scotland - demonstrating how this brings about a difference for us all - understanding what volunteers and volunteer involving organisations want to do, and - making volunteering easy for everyone, so that more people volunteer and have a great time. We are the only national centre for volunteering and receive funded support from the Scottish Government and others to: - Research, demonstrate and measure the impact made by volunteers - Support paid staff and volunteers to develop skills through accessing training - Development tools, policies and good practice - Offer a one stop digital gateway to volunteer opportunities in Scotland - Provide an expert disclosure service for voluntary organisations - Support organisations and influencers such as funders, policy makers and Government - Work with partners to support projects, innovation and creativity in volunteering.
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Twitter Meta Tags
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- twitter:titleVolunteer Scotland | LinkedIn
- twitter:descriptionVolunteer Scotland | 2,788 followers on LinkedIn. We exist to help you make a difference through volunteering. | Scotland, more than ever, needs us all to share in the nation’s common good. The potential to bring out the best in us has never been better and we’re supporting you by: - recognising the need for volunteers in Scotland - demonstrating how this brings about a difference for us all - understanding what volunteers and volunteer involving organisations want to do, and - making volunteering easy for everyone, so that more people volunteer and have a great time. We are the only national centre for volunteering and receive funded support from the Scottish Government and others to: - Research, demonstrate and measure the impact made by volunteers - Support paid staff and volunteers to develop skills through accessing training - Development tools, policies and good practice - Offer a one stop digital gateway to volunteer opportunities in Scotland - Provide an expert disclosure service for voluntary organisations - Support organisations and influencers such as funders, policy makers and Government - Work with partners to support projects, innovation and creativity in volunteering.
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