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Akka in Action, Second Edition

Akka solves the big problems of distributed systems, from multithreading and concurrency to scalability and failure. Learn how to use it effectively.</b> In Akka in Action, Second Edition</i> you will learn how to: Create basic programs with Akka Typed</li> Work with clusters to build robust, fault-tolerant programs</li> Use Akka with Kubernetes</li> Build microservices with Akka</li> Create and maintain distributed state with strong consistency guarantees</li> Employ actor-based concurrency and parallelism</li> Test Akka software</li> </ul> Akka in Action, Second Edition</i> teaches you to use Akka Typed to solve common problems of distributed systems. You’ll learn how to bring together all of Akka’s moving parts to design and implement highly scalable and maintainable software. Extensively revised by Akka contributor Francisco López-Sancho Abraham, this new edition demonstrates Akka’s complex concepts through engaging hands-on examples. Discover the power of the Actor Model, how Akka works with Kubernetes, and how to utilize Akka modules to create microservices that are reliable and fault tolerant.


Akka in Action, Second Edition


Akka solves the big problems of distributed systems, from multithreading and concurrency to scalability and failure. Learn how to use it effectively.</b> In Akka in Action, Second Edition</i> you will learn how to: Create basic programs with Akka Typed</li> Work with clusters to build robust, fault-tolerant programs</li> Use Akka with Kubernetes</li> Build microservices with Akka</li> Create and maintain distributed state with strong consistency guarantees</li> Employ actor-based concurrency and parallelism</li> Test Akka software</li> </ul> Akka in Action, Second Edition</i> teaches you to use Akka Typed to solve common problems of distributed systems. You’ll learn how to bring together all of Akka’s moving parts to design and implement highly scalable and maintainable software. Extensively revised by Akka contributor Francisco López-Sancho Abraham, this new edition demonstrates Akka’s complex concepts through engaging hands-on examples. Discover the power of the Actor Model, how Akka works with Kubernetes, and how to utilize Akka modules to create microservices that are reliable and fault tolerant.



Akka in Action, Second Edition

Akka solves the big problems of distributed systems, from multithreading and concurrency to scalability and failure. Learn how to use it effectively.</b> In Akka in Action, Second Edition</i> you will learn how to: Create basic programs with Akka Typed</li> Work with clusters to build robust, fault-tolerant programs</li> Use Akka with Kubernetes</li> Build microservices with Akka</li> Create and maintain distributed state with strong consistency guarantees</li> Employ actor-based concurrency and parallelism</li> Test Akka software</li> </ul> Akka in Action, Second Edition</i> teaches you to use Akka Typed to solve common problems of distributed systems. You’ll learn how to bring together all of Akka’s moving parts to design and implement highly scalable and maintainable software. Extensively revised by Akka contributor Francisco López-Sancho Abraham, this new edition demonstrates Akka’s complex concepts through engaging hands-on examples. Discover the power of the Actor Model, how Akka works with Kubernetes, and how to utilize Akka modules to create microservices that are reliable and fault tolerant.

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      Akka in Action, Second Edition
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      Akka in Action, Second Edition
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      Akka in Action, Second Edition
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      Akka solves the big problems of distributed systems, from multithreading and concurrency to scalability and failure. Learn how to use it effectively.</b> In Akka in Action, Second Edition</i> you will learn how to: Create basic programs with Akka Typed</li> Work with clusters to build robust, fault-tolerant programs</li> Use Akka with Kubernetes</li> Build microservices with Akka</li> Create and maintain distributed state with strong consistency guarantees</li> Employ actor-based concurrency and parallelism</li> Test Akka software</li> </ul> Akka in Action, Second Edition</i> teaches you to use Akka Typed to solve common problems of distributed systems. You’ll learn how to bring together all of Akka’s moving parts to design and implement highly scalable and maintainable software. Extensively revised by Akka contributor Francisco López-Sancho Abraham, this new edition demonstrates Akka’s complex concepts through engaging hands-on examples. Discover the power of the Actor Model, how Akka works with Kubernetes, and how to utilize Akka modules to create microservices that are reliable and fault tolerant.
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