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Apache Pulsar in Action

Deliver lightning fast and reliable messaging for your distributed applications with the flexible and resilient Apache Pulsar platform.</b> In Apache Pulsar in Action</i> you will learn how to: Publish from Apache Pulsar into third-party data repositories and platforms</li> Design and develop Apache Pulsar functions</li> Perform interactive SQL queries against data stored in Apache Pulsar</li> </ul> Apache Pulsar in Action</i> is a comprehensive and practical guide to building high-traffic applications with Pulsar. You’ll learn to use this mature and battle-tested platform to deliver extreme levels of speed and durability to your messaging. Apache Pulsar committer David Kjerrumgaard teaches you to apply Pulsar’s seamless scalability through hands-on case studies, including IOT analytics applications and a microservices app based on Pulsar functions.


Apache Pulsar in Action


Deliver lightning fast and reliable messaging for your distributed applications with the flexible and resilient Apache Pulsar platform.</b> In Apache Pulsar in Action</i> you will learn how to: Publish from Apache Pulsar into third-party data repositories and platforms</li> Design and develop Apache Pulsar functions</li> Perform interactive SQL queries against data stored in Apache Pulsar</li> </ul> Apache Pulsar in Action</i> is a comprehensive and practical guide to building high-traffic applications with Pulsar. You’ll learn to use this mature and battle-tested platform to deliver extreme levels of speed and durability to your messaging. Apache Pulsar committer David Kjerrumgaard teaches you to apply Pulsar’s seamless scalability through hands-on case studies, including IOT analytics applications and a microservices app based on Pulsar functions.



Apache Pulsar in Action

Deliver lightning fast and reliable messaging for your distributed applications with the flexible and resilient Apache Pulsar platform.</b> In Apache Pulsar in Action</i> you will learn how to: Publish from Apache Pulsar into third-party data repositories and platforms</li> Design and develop Apache Pulsar functions</li> Perform interactive SQL queries against data stored in Apache Pulsar</li> </ul> Apache Pulsar in Action</i> is a comprehensive and practical guide to building high-traffic applications with Pulsar. You’ll learn to use this mature and battle-tested platform to deliver extreme levels of speed and durability to your messaging. Apache Pulsar committer David Kjerrumgaard teaches you to apply Pulsar’s seamless scalability through hands-on case studies, including IOT analytics applications and a microservices app based on Pulsar functions.

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      Apache Pulsar in Action
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      Apache Pulsar in Action
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      Manning Publications
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      Apache Pulsar in Action
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      Deliver lightning fast and reliable messaging for your distributed applications with the flexible and resilient Apache Pulsar platform.</b> In Apache Pulsar in Action</i> you will learn how to: Publish from Apache Pulsar into third-party data repositories and platforms</li> Design and develop Apache Pulsar functions</li> Perform interactive SQL queries against data stored in Apache Pulsar</li> </ul> Apache Pulsar in Action</i> is a comprehensive and practical guide to building high-traffic applications with Pulsar. You’ll learn to use this mature and battle-tested platform to deliver extreme levels of speed and durability to your messaging. Apache Pulsar committer David Kjerrumgaard teaches you to apply Pulsar’s seamless scalability through hands-on case studies, including IOT analytics applications and a microservices app based on Pulsar functions.
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