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Senior Scam Prevention Seminar

I along with Assemblyman Ed Flood in collaboration with the Office of Suffolk County District Attorney Ray Tierney will be sponsoring a Senior Scam Prevention Seminar.  The event will explain how to identify current scams being conducted by unscrupulous individuals on our senior population and how to avoid becoming a victim.  The event will be held on Monday, September 23, 2024, at the Longwood Public Library, 800 Middle Country Rd., Middle Island, NY 11953 from 11:00AM to 12:30PM.  Please reserve your attendance by calling 631-360-3356 or 631-751-3094.


Senior Scam Prevention Seminar


I along with Assemblyman Ed Flood in collaboration with the Office of Suffolk County District Attorney Ray Tierney will be sponsoring a Senior Scam Prevention Seminar.  The event will explain how to identify current scams being conducted by unscrupulous individuals on our senior population and how to avoid becoming a victim.  The event will be held on Monday, September 23, 2024, at the Longwood Public Library, 800 Middle Country Rd., Middle Island, NY 11953 from 11:00AM to 12:30PM.  Please reserve your attendance by calling 631-360-3356 or 631-751-3094.



Senior Scam Prevention Seminar

I along with Assemblyman Ed Flood in collaboration with the Office of Suffolk County District Attorney Ray Tierney will be sponsoring a Senior Scam Prevention Seminar.  The event will explain how to identify current scams being conducted by unscrupulous individuals on our senior population and how to avoid becoming a victim.  The event will be held on Monday, September 23, 2024, at the Longwood Public Library, 800 Middle Country Rd., Middle Island, NY 11953 from 11:00AM to 12:30PM.  Please reserve your attendance by calling 631-360-3356 or 631-751-3094.

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      Senior Scam Prevention Seminar | NYSenate.gov
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      I along with Assemblyman Ed Flood in collaboration with the Office of Suffolk County District Attorney Ray Tierney will be sponsoring a Senior Scam Prevention Seminar.  The event will explain how to identify current scams being conducted by unscrupulous individuals on our senior population and how to avoid becoming a victim.  The event will be held on Monday, September 23, 2024, at the Longwood Public Library, 800 Middle Country Rd., Middle Island, NY 11953 from 11:00AM to 12:30PM.  Please reserve your attendance by calling 631-360-3356 or 631-751-3094.
  • Open Graph Meta Tags

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    • og:title
      Senior Scam Prevention Seminar
    • og:description
      I along with Assemblyman Ed Flood in collaboration with the Office of Suffolk County District Attorney Ray Tierney will be sponsoring a Senior Scam Prevention Seminar.  The event will explain how to identify current scams being conducted by unscrupulous individuals on our senior population and how to avoid becoming a victim.  The event will be held on Monday, September 23, 2024, at the Longwood Public Library, 800 Middle Country Rd., Middle Island, NY 11953 from 11:00AM to 12:30PM.  Please reserve your attendance by calling 631-360-3356 or 631-751-3094.
  • Twitter Meta Tags

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      I along with Assemblyman Ed Flood in collaboration with the Office of Suffolk County District Attorney Ray Tierney will be sponsoring a Senior Scam Prevention Seminar.  The event will explain how to identify current scams being conducted by unscrupulous individuals on our senior population and how to avoid becoming a victim.  The event will be held on Monday, September 23, 2024, at the Longwood Public Library, 800 Middle Country Rd., Middle Island, NY 11953 from 11:00AM to 12:30PM.  Please reserve your attendance by calling 631-360-3356 or 631-751-3094.
    • twitter:title
      Senior Scam Prevention Seminar
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  • ?&subject=From NYSenate.gov: Event&body=: Event: https://www.nysenate.gov/calendar/events/dean-murray/september-23-2024/senior-scam-prevention-seminar
