Preview meta tags from the www.sunderland.ac.uk website.
Linked Hostnames
22- 66 links towww.sunderland.ac.uk
- 16 links towww.w3.org
- 2 links toservices.sunderland.ac.uk
- 1 link toalumni.sunderland.ac.uk
- 1 link toevision.sunderland.ac.uk
- 1 link toexperience.sunderland.ac.uk
- 1 link tojobs.sunderland.ac.uk
- 1 link tolondon.sunderland.ac.uk
Search Engine Appearance
Internal websites - University of Sunderland
Our aim is to make the website as usable and accessible as possible, so we hope you can find, access and use the material you're looking for.
Internal websites - University of Sunderland
Our aim is to make the website as usable and accessible as possible, so we hope you can find, access and use the material you're looking for.
Internal websites - University of Sunderland
Our aim is to make the website as usable and accessible as possible, so we hope you can find, access and use the material you're looking for.
General Meta Tags
9- titleInternal websites | The University of Sunderland
- viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1
- X-UA-CompatibleIE=edge
- DC.Languageen
- keywordsaccessibility
Open Graph Meta Tags
5- og:titleInternal websites - University of Sunderland
- og:descriptionOur aim is to make the website as usable and accessible as possible, so we hope you can find, access and use the material you're looking for.
- og:imagehttps://www.sunderland.ac.uk/images/external-websites/www/search-default.png
- og:urlhttps://www.sunderland.ac.uk/accessibility/internal-websites/
- og:site_nameUniversity of Sunderland
Twitter Meta Tags
5- twitter:titleInternal websites - University of Sunderland
- twitter:descriptionOur aim is to make the website as usable and accessible as possible, so we hope you can find, access and use the material you're looking for.
- twitter:imagehttps://www.sunderland.ac.uk/images/external-websites/www/search-default.png
- twitter:sitehttps://www.sunderland.ac.uk/accessibility/internal-websites/
- twitter:cardsummary_large_image
Link Tags
5- stylesheethttps://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Roboto:300,400,700
- stylesheethttps://www.sunderland.ac.uk/assets/css-2021/style.css
- stylesheethttps://www.sunderland.ac.uk/assets/css-2021/magnific-popup.css
- stylesheethttps://www.sunderland.ac.uk/assets/css-2021/flag-icon.css
- stylesheethttps://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/font-awesome/4.7.0/css/font-awesome.min.css
103- http://www.sunderland.ac.uk
- https://alumni.sunderland.ac.uk
- https://evision.sunderland.ac.uk/urd/sits.urd/run/siw_lgn
- https://experience.sunderland.ac.uk
- https://jobs.sunderland.ac.uk