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Mobile app lets musicians play along to songs at their own speed
Anytune, performs a simple trick, but does it well: It takes a piece of recorded music, and slows it down so listeners can play along, all without changing the pitch
Mobile app lets musicians play along to songs at their own speed
Anytune, performs a simple trick, but does it well: It takes a piece of recorded music, and slows it down so listeners can play along, all without changing the pitch
Mobile app lets musicians play along to songs at their own speed
Anytune, performs a simple trick, but does it well: It takes a piece of recorded music, and slows it down so listeners can play along, all without changing the pitch
General Meta Tags
25- titleMobile app lets musicians play along to songs at their own speed - The Globe and Mail
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Open Graph Meta Tags
9- og:site_nameThe Globe and Mail
- og:localeen_GB
- og:titleMobile app lets musicians play along to songs at their own speed
- og:urlhttps://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/small-business/startups/mobile-app-lets-musicians-play-along-to-songs-at-their-own-speed/article15483756/
- og:descriptionAnytune, performs a simple trick, but does it well: It takes a piece of recorded music, and slows it down so listeners can play along, all without changing the pitch
Twitter Meta Tags
8- twitter:site@globeandmail
- twitter:creator@globeandmail
- twitter:urlhttps://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/small-business/startups/mobile-app-lets-musicians-play-along-to-songs-at-their-own-speed/article15483756/
- twitter:titleMobile app lets musicians play along to songs at their own speed
- twitter:descriptionAnytune, performs a simple trick, but does it well: It takes a piece of recorded music, and slows it down so listeners can play along, all without changing the pitch
Link Tags
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1- ?subject=Mobile app lets musicians play along to songs at their own speed&body=From the Globe and Mail: Mobile app lets musicians play along to songs at their own speed - https://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/small-business/startups/mobile-app-lets-musicians-play-along-to-songs-at-their-own-speed/article15483756/?utm_source%3DShared%2BArticle%2BSent%2Bto%2BUser%26utm_medium%3DE-mail%3A%2BNewsletters%2B%2F%2BE-Blasts%2B%2F%2Betc.%26utm_campaign%3DShared%2BWeb%2BArticle%2BLinks
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