Preview meta tags from the www.usgs.gov website.
Linked Hostnames
17- 122 links towww.usgs.gov
- 5 links towww.doi.gov
- 3 links towww.access-board.gov
- 2 links tostore.usgs.gov
- 1 link toanswers.usgs.gov
- 1 link tochat.cslive.usgs.gov
- 1 link toearthquake.usgs.gov
- 1 link togeochat.usgs.gov
General Meta Tags
8- titleAccessibility and the U.S. Geological Survey | U.S. Geological Survey
- charsetutf-8
- descriptionThe USGS is committed to and is making every possible effort to ensure that all electronic and information technology developed, procured, maintained, or used by the USGS is accessible to people with disabilities, including both our employees and the customers we serve.
- keywordsusgs policy
- GeneratorDrupal 10 (https://www.drupal.org)
Link Tags
46- canonicalhttps://www.usgs.gov/accessibility
- icon/themes/custom/usgs_tantalum/favicon.ico
- manifest/themes/custom/usgs_tantalum/manifest.json
- stylesheet/core/assets/vendor/jquery.ui/themes/base/core.css?smxt9l
- stylesheet/core/assets/vendor/jquery.ui/themes/base/controlgroup.css?smxt9l
145- http://www.w3.org/WAI
- https://answers.usgs.gov
- https://chat.cslive.usgs.gov
- https://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/map
- https://geochat.usgs.gov