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Blackbraid is a solo indigenous black metal project from the depths of the Adirondack wilderness creating music as raw & powerful as the mountains from whenc...
Blackbraid is a solo indigenous black metal project from the depths of the Adirondack wilderness creating music as raw & powerful as the mountains from whenc...
Blackbraid is a solo indigenous black metal project from the depths of the Adirondack wilderness creating music as raw & powerful as the mountains from whenc...
General Meta Tags
14- titleBlackbraid - YouTube
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- descriptionBlackbraid is a solo indigenous black metal project from the depths of the Adirondack wilderness creating music as raw & powerful as the mountains from whenc...
Open Graph Meta Tags
8- og:titleBlackbraid
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- og:urlhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCavI2SXL6R-ZTqPCmlVFxLQ
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Twitter Meta Tags
15- twitter:cardsummary
- twitter:site@youtube
- twitter:urlhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCavI2SXL6R-ZTqPCmlVFxLQ
- twitter:titleBlackbraid
- twitter:descriptionBlackbraid is a solo indigenous black metal project from the depths of the Adirondack wilderness creating music as raw & powerful as the mountains from whence it came… The music is inspired by the forces of nature in the land around us, overpowering emotions of rage and sadness, & the deep spirituality of the project’s creator. Blackbraid is a fiercely independent artist, viciously carving a new & inspiring path for indigenous people & underground musicians alike. - MUSIC & MERCH - Official US & World Shop: https://blackbraid.us Official EUROPE Shop: https://blackbraid.eu BandCamp: https://blackbraid.bandcamp.com/merch - STREAMING - Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/47nBZhrImXWXTWVSWt09MY?si=NO8HGhsLRgScS53VvY3DSw Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/artist/blackbraid/1621762105 Amazon Music: https://music.amazon.com/artists/B09Z7HJD85/blackbraid?refMarker=null - SHOWS: https://blackbraid.us/pages/shows - CONTACT & EPK: https://blackbraid.us/pages/contact-epk
Item Prop Meta Tags
8- nameBlackbraid
- descriptionBlackbraid is a solo indigenous black metal project from the depths of the Adirondack wilderness creating music as raw & powerful as the mountains from whence it came… The music is inspired by the forces of nature in the land around us, overpowering emotions of rage and sadness, & the deep spirituality of the project’s creator. Blackbraid is a fiercely independent artist, viciously carving a new & inspiring path for indigenous people & underground musicians alike. - MUSIC & MERCH - Official US & World Shop: https://blackbraid.us Official EUROPE Shop: https://blackbraid.eu BandCamp: https://blackbraid.bandcamp.com/merch - STREAMING - Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/47nBZhrImXWXTWVSWt09MY?si=NO8HGhsLRgScS53VvY3DSw Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/artist/blackbraid/1621762105 Amazon Music: https://music.amazon.com/artists/B09Z7HJD85/blackbraid?refMarker=null - SHOWS: https://blackbraid.us/pages/shows - CONTACT & EPK: https://blackbraid.us/pages/contact-epk
- requiresSubscriptionFalse
- identifierUCavI2SXL6R-ZTqPCmlVFxLQ
- width900
Link Tags
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