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ATX Television Festival is a four-day event that celebrates the television medium: looking back at its history, where it is now, and where it is headed. The ...
ATX Television Festival is a four-day event that celebrates the television medium: looking back at its history, where it is now, and where it is headed. The ...
ATX Television Festival is a four-day event that celebrates the television medium: looking back at its history, where it is now, and where it is headed. The ...
General Meta Tags
14- titleATX TV - YouTube
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- descriptionATX Television Festival is a four-day event that celebrates the television medium: looking back at its history, where it is now, and where it is headed. The ...
Open Graph Meta Tags
32- og:titleATX TV
- og:site_nameYouTube
- og:urlhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9RKVMip17chXp4TlFLqZtg
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Twitter Meta Tags
15- twitter:cardsummary
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- twitter:urlhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9RKVMip17chXp4TlFLqZtg
- twitter:titleATX TV
- twitter:descriptionATX Television Festival is a four-day event that celebrates the television medium: looking back at its history, where it is now, and where it is headed. The festival consists of panels, screenings, and events where attendees and leaders in the TV industry talk, watch, and experience television together as one community. ATX showcases TV’s past, current, and upcoming series through screening Q&As and panel discussions. This programming includes reunions, Q&As with series creators and talent, series premieres for upfronts, summer, and online, as well never picked up pilots. Panel discussions often feature either a particular show or a specific topic which pulls professionals from many shows and feature such topics as the ratings system, series finales, and writer's rooms. With a 50/50 split between fan and industry, ATX Television Festival is a unique festival event that stems from a true celebration of the medium.
Item Prop Meta Tags
8- nameATX TV
- descriptionATX Television Festival is a four-day event that celebrates the television medium: looking back at its history, where it is now, and where it is headed. The festival consists of panels, screenings, and events where attendees and leaders in the TV industry talk, watch, and experience television together as one community. ATX showcases TV’s past, current, and upcoming series through screening Q&As and panel discussions. This programming includes reunions, Q&As with series creators and talent, series premieres for upfronts, summer, and online, as well never picked up pilots. Panel discussions often feature either a particular show or a specific topic which pulls professionals from many shows and feature such topics as the ratings system, series finales, and writer's rooms. With a 50/50 split between fan and industry, ATX Television Festival is a unique festival event that stems from a true celebration of the medium.
- requiresSubscriptionFalse
- identifierUC9RKVMip17chXp4TlFLqZtg
- width900
Link Tags
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