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Consumers International
We believe in a world where everyone has access to safe and sustainable goods and services. We bring together over 200 member organisations in more than 100 ...
Consumers International
We believe in a world where everyone has access to safe and sustainable goods and services. We bring together over 200 member organisations in more than 100 ...
Consumers International
We believe in a world where everyone has access to safe and sustainable goods and services. We bring together over 200 member organisations in more than 100 ...
General Meta Tags
14- titleConsumers International - YouTube
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- descriptionWe believe in a world where everyone has access to safe and sustainable goods and services. We bring together over 200 member organisations in more than 100 ...
Open Graph Meta Tags
16- og:titleConsumers International
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- og:urlhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5fY6Gcj7yIosELK-Wd4n0w
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Twitter Meta Tags
15- twitter:cardsummary
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- twitter:urlhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5fY6Gcj7yIosELK-Wd4n0w
- twitter:titleConsumers International
- twitter:descriptionWe believe in a world where everyone has access to safe and sustainable goods and services. We bring together over 200 member organisations in more than 100 countries to empower and champion the rights of consumers everywhere. We are their voice in international policy-making forums and the global marketplace to ensure they are treated safely, fairly and honestly. We are resolutely independent, unconstrained by businesses or political parties. We work in partnership and exercise our influence with integrity, tenacity and passion to deliver tangible results.
Item Prop Meta Tags
8- nameConsumers International
- descriptionWe believe in a world where everyone has access to safe and sustainable goods and services. We bring together over 200 member organisations in more than 100 countries to empower and champion the rights of consumers everywhere. We are their voice in international policy-making forums and the global marketplace to ensure they are treated safely, fairly and honestly. We are resolutely independent, unconstrained by businesses or political parties. We work in partnership and exercise our influence with integrity, tenacity and passion to deliver tangible results.
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- identifierUC5fY6Gcj7yIosELK-Wd4n0w
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Link Tags
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