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PRS Foundation
YouTube Music are an official partner of PRS Foundation's ambitious, long-term initiative which supports Black music creators and industry professionals and ...
PRS Foundation
YouTube Music are an official partner of PRS Foundation's ambitious, long-term initiative which supports Black music creators and industry professionals and ...
PRS Foundation
YouTube Music are an official partner of PRS Foundation's ambitious, long-term initiative which supports Black music creators and industry professionals and ...
General Meta Tags
15- titlePRS Foundation - YouTube
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- theme-colorrgba(255, 255, 255, 0.98)
- descriptionYouTube Music are an official partner of PRS Foundation's ambitious, long-term initiative which supports Black music creators and industry professionals and ...
Open Graph Meta Tags
12- og:titlePRS Foundation
- og:site_nameYouTube
- og:urlhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMfVwqQchv1Ldga35wHpnpg
- og:imagehttps://yt3.googleusercontent.com/ytc/AIdro_nHLDjMN0jYdEPIbFGHQqrwhSMZwpAfS6BXhuJGXl4hieQ=s900-c-k-c0x00ffffff-no-rj
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Twitter Meta Tags
15- twitter:cardsummary
- twitter:site@youtube
- twitter:urlhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMfVwqQchv1Ldga35wHpnpg
- twitter:titlePRS Foundation
- twitter:descriptionYouTube Music are an official partner of PRS Foundation's ambitious, long-term initiative which supports Black music creators and industry professionals and executives, as well as addressing anti-Black racism and racial disparities in the music sector! PRS Foundation is the UK's leading charitable funder of new music and talent development. Since 2000 PRS Foundation has given more than £47 million to over 8,900 new music initiatives by awarding grants and leading partnership programmes that support music sector development. Widely respected as an adventurous and proactive funding body, 5 out of the last 6 Mercury Prize winners had received PRS Foundation support (including recent winners Ezra Collective and Little Simz) and the charity has supported BRITS, RPS, AIM and Ivors Award-winners. www.prsfoundation.com | @PRSFoundation *Image: POWER UP Year 4 Participant meet up
Item Prop Meta Tags
8- namePRS Foundation
- descriptionYouTube Music are an official partner of PRS Foundation's ambitious, long-term initiative which supports Black music creators and industry professionals and executives, as well as addressing anti-Black racism and racial disparities in the music sector! PRS Foundation is the UK's leading charitable funder of new music and talent development. Since 2000 PRS Foundation has given more than £47 million to over 8,900 new music initiatives by awarding grants and leading partnership programmes that support music sector development. Widely respected as an adventurous and proactive funding body, 5 out of the last 6 Mercury Prize winners had received PRS Foundation support (including recent winners Ezra Collective and Little Simz) and the charity has supported BRITS, RPS, AIM and Ivors Award-winners. www.prsfoundation.com | @PRSFoundation *Image: POWER UP Year 4 Participant meet up
- requiresSubscriptionFalse
- identifierUCMfVwqQchv1Ldga35wHpnpg
- width900
Link Tags
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