Preview meta tags from the zhenyi.gibber.blog website.
Linked Hostnames
5- 1 link toandadinosaur.com
- 1 link togibber.blog
- 1 link tomastodon.social
- 1 link towww.ft.com
- 1 link tozhenyi.gibber.blog
Search Engine Appearance
AI Advertising - Gibberish and Stuff
Remember the early 2000s when Google's search results were super accurate? People thought that if it continued to grow, it might become a singularity and control everything. Some even went as far...
AI Advertising - Gibberish and Stuff
Remember the early 2000s when Google's search results were super accurate? People thought that if it continued to grow, it might become a singularity and control everything. Some even went as far...
AI Advertising - Gibberish and Stuff
Remember the early 2000s when Google's search results were super accurate? People thought that if it continued to grow, it might become a singularity and control everything. Some even went as far...
General Meta Tags
6- titleAI Advertising - Gibberish and Stuff
- charsetutf-8
- viewportwidth=device-width,initial-scale=1
- descriptionRemember the early 2000s when Google's search results were super accurate? People thought that if it continued to grow, it might become a singularity and control everything. Some even went as far...
- csrf-paramauthenticity_token
Open Graph Meta Tags
5- og:imagehttps://gibber-blog.ap-south-1.linodeobjects.com/kptsgk4zw2dkn8dsfshrqb215kn6
- og:urlhttps://zhenyi.gibber.blog/ai-advertising
- og:typewebsite
- og:titleAI Advertising - Gibberish and Stuff
- og:descriptionRemember the early 2000s when Google's search results were super accurate? People thought that if it continued to grow, it might become a singularity and control everything. Some even went as far...
Twitter Meta Tags
4- twitter:cardsummary_large_image
- twitter:titleAI Advertising - Gibberish and Stuff
- twitter:descriptionRemember the early 2000s when Google's search results were super accurate? People thought that if it continued to grow, it might become a singularity and control everything. Some even went as far...
- twitter:imagehttps://gibber-blog.ap-south-1.linodeobjects.com/kptsgk4zw2dkn8dsfshrqb215kn6
Link Tags
6- alternatehttps://zhenyi.gibber.blog/feed
- apple-touch-icon-precomposedhttps://gibber-blog.ap-south-1.linodeobjects.com/284yyqn5hidso9cs01twnkorajcq
- canonicalhttps://zhenyi.gibber.blog/ai-advertising
- mehttps://mastodon.social/@zhenyi
- shortcut iconhttps://gibber-blog.ap-south-1.linodeobjects.com/fom5bezvinj0udohl9ns452bzwe5
5- https://andadinosaur.com
- https://gibber.blog
- https://mastodon.social/@zhenyi
- https://www.ft.com/content/1e2a5338-f1ae-41ee-bc08-4c86f2eb5a58
- https://zhenyi.gibber.blog