Preview meta tags from the 3000s.tumblr.com website.
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Search Engine Appearance
3000s: “you should be able to plug cables and shit into a basketball for no reason ” changing my mind since nobody likes my idea my new idea is nobody should be able to do anything on earth at all
3000s: “you should be able to plug cables and shit into a basketball for no reason ” changing my mind since nobody likes my idea my new idea is nobody should be able to do anything on earth at all
3000s: “you should be able to plug cables and shit into a basketball for no reason ” changing my mind since nobody likes my idea my new idea is nobody should be able to do anything on earth at all
General Meta Tags
78- title🍮
- charsetutf-8
- metaIE=edge,chrome=1
- description3000s: “you should be able to plug cables and shit into a basketball for no reason ” changing my mind since nobody likes my idea my new idea is nobody should be able to do anything on earth at all
- color:bgcolor1
Open Graph Meta Tags
5- og:site_nameTumblr
- og:title🍮
- og:descriptionchanging my mind since nobody likes my idea my new idea is nobody should be able to do anything on earth at all
- og:urlhttps://3000s.tumblr.com/post/752633857888731136/changing-my-mind-since-nobody-likes-my-idea-my-new
- og:typearticle
Link Tags
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91- https://3000s.tumblr.com
- https://3000s.tumblr.com/archive
- https://3000s.tumblr.com/post/752550960201695232
- https://3000s.tumblr.com/post/752550960201695232/you-should-be-able-to-plug-cables-and-shit-into-a
- https://3000s.tumblr.com/post/752633857888731136/changing-my-mind-since-nobody-likes-my-idea-my-new