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9- 16 links to512pixels.net
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Search Engine Appearance
Behind the Scenes of the Ellen Feiss Ad
Back in 2002, Zachary Frechette interviewed Ellen Feiss, star of the most memorable of Apple's "Switcher" ads: How did you get involved with the Apple switch campaign in the first place? It’s kind of a funny story. I’m friends with the son of the director, Errol Morris. I’m friends with his son Hamilton. I went [...]
Behind the Scenes of the Ellen Feiss Ad
Back in 2002, Zachary Frechette interviewed Ellen Feiss, star of the most memorable of Apple's "Switcher" ads: How did you get involved with the Apple switch campaign in the first place? It’s kind of a funny story. I’m friends with the son of the director, Errol Morris. I’m friends with his son Hamilton. I went [...]
Behind the Scenes of the Ellen Feiss Ad
Back in 2002, Zachary Frechette interviewed Ellen Feiss, star of the most memorable of Apple's "Switcher" ads: How did you get involved with the Apple switch campaign in the first place? It’s kind of a funny story. I’m friends with the son of the director, Errol Morris. I’m friends with his son Hamilton. I went [...]
General Meta Tags
13- titleBehind the Scenes of the Ellen Feiss Ad – 512 Pixels
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Open Graph Meta Tags
7- og:titleBehind the Scenes of the Ellen Feiss Ad
- og:typearticle
- og:imagehttps://512pixels.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/cropped-512-Mac-scaled-1.jpeg
- og:urlhttps://512pixels.net/2017/01/behind-the-scenes-of-the-ellen-feiss-ad/
- og:descriptionBack in 2002, Zachary Frechette interviewed Ellen Feiss, star of the most memorable of Apple's "Switcher" ads: How did you get involved with the Apple switch campaign in the first place? It’s kind of a funny story. I’m friends with the son of the director, Errol Morris. I’m friends with his son Hamilton. I went [...]
Twitter Meta Tags
1- twitter:cardsummary
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26- http://web.archive.org/web/20030207025938/http://www.browndailyherald.com/post/stories.asp?ID=269
- https://512pixels.net
- https://512pixels.net/2017/01/behind-the-scenes-of-the-ellen-feiss-ad
- https://512pixels.net/2017/01/kbase-week-a-ux-iifx
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