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ABRI has over 50 years’ experience providing innovative AgTech products, software services and technology solutions to the livestock sector globally. This includes the BREEDPLAN Genetic Evaluation, and our breed registry suite including our legacy International Livestock Registry (ILR) system, and our state of the art breed registry and genetic improvement platform, BreedLogic.
ABRI has over 50 years’ experience providing innovative AgTech products, software services and technology solutions to the livestock sector globally. This includes the BREEDPLAN Genetic Evaluation, and our breed registry suite including our legacy International Livestock Registry (ILR) system, and our state of the art breed registry and genetic improvement platform, BreedLogic.
ABRI has over 50 years’ experience providing innovative AgTech products, software services and technology solutions to the livestock sector globally. This includes the BREEDPLAN Genetic Evaluation, and our breed registry suite including our legacy International Livestock Registry (ILR) system, and our state of the art breed registry and genetic improvement platform, BreedLogic.
General Meta Tags
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Open Graph Meta Tags
8- og:site_nameABRI
- og:titleABRI
- og:urlhttps://www.abri.com.au
- og:typewebsite
- og:descriptionABRI has over 50 years’ experience providing innovative AgTech products, software services and technology solutions to the livestock sector globally. This includes the BREEDPLAN Genetic Evaluation, and our breed registry suite including our legacy International Livestock Registry (ILR) system, and o
Twitter Meta Tags
5- twitter:titleABRI
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- twitter:urlhttps://www.abri.com.au
- twitter:cardsummary
- twitter:descriptionABRI has over 50 years’ experience providing innovative AgTech products, software services and technology solutions to the livestock sector globally. This includes the BREEDPLAN Genetic Evaluation, and our breed registry suite including our legacy International Livestock Registry (ILR) system, and o
Item Prop Meta Tags
5- nameABRI
- urlhttps://www.abri.com.au
- descriptionABRI has over 50 years’ experience providing innovative AgTech products, software services and technology solutions to the livestock sector globally. This includes the BREEDPLAN Genetic Evaluation, and our breed registry suite including our legacy International Livestock Registry (ILR) system, and o
- thumbnailUrlhttp://static1.squarespace.com/static/65c80b8c102250268e9e14c2/t/65e8ec2b9716df0f72405778/1709763627470/ABRI_Logo_RGB.png?format=1500w
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Link Tags
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10- https://abri.une.edu.au
- https://abri.une.edu.au/about
- https://abri.une.edu.au/cart
- https://abri.une.edu.au/contact
- https://abri.une.edu.au/news