Preview meta tags from the akusmi.bandcamp.com website.
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9- 10 links toakusmi.bandcamp.com
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Search Engine Appearance
Akusmi. London, UK. Akusmi is the new project moniker of French-born, London based composer, multi-instrumentalist and producer Pascal Bideau, who signs to the new Tonal Union imprint for the release of his album ‘Fleeting Future.’ With its hallucinatory, genre-defying blend of minimalism, cosmic jazz and Fourth World influences, and in its quest for optimism in the face of unknown and limitless possibility.
Akusmi. London, UK. Akusmi is the new project moniker of French-born, London based composer, multi-instrumentalist and producer Pascal Bideau, who signs to the new Tonal Union imprint for the release of his album ‘Fleeting Future.’ With its hallucinatory, genre-defying blend of minimalism, cosmic jazz and Fourth World influences, and in its quest for optimism in the face of unknown and limitless possibility.
Akusmi. London, UK. Akusmi is the new project moniker of French-born, London based composer, multi-instrumentalist and producer Pascal Bideau, who signs to the new Tonal Union imprint for the release of his album ‘Fleeting Future.’ With its hallucinatory, genre-defying blend of minimalism, cosmic jazz and Fourth World influences, and in its quest for optimism in the face of unknown and limitless possibility.
General Meta Tags
9- titleMusic | Akusmi
- descriptionAkusmi. London, UK. Akusmi is the new project moniker of French-born, London based composer, multi-instrumentalist and producer Pascal Bideau, who signs to the new Tonal Union imprint for the release of his album ‘Fleeting Future.’ With its hallucinatory, genre-defying blend of minimalism, cosmic jazz and Fourth World influences, and in its quest for optimism in the face of unknown and limitless possibility.
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Open Graph Meta Tags
6- og:titleAkusmi
- og:typeband
- og:urlhttps://akusmi.bandcamp.com
- og:site_nameAkusmi
- og:descriptionAkusmi is the new project moniker of French-born, London based composer, multi-instrumentalist and producer Pascal Bideau, who signs to the new Tonal Union imprint for the release of his album ‘Fleeting Future.’ With its hallucinatory, genre-defying blend of minimalism, cosmic jazz and Fourth World influences, and in its quest for optimism in the face of unknown and limitless possibility.
Link Tags
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24- https://akusmi.bandcamp.com
- https://akusmi.bandcamp.com/album/fleeting-future
- https://akusmi.bandcamp.com/album/lines
- https://akusmi.bandcamp.com/community
- https://akusmi.bandcamp.com/contact?b=4066587287&n=Akusmi