Preview meta tags from the aprilthecruelest.bandcamp.com website.
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Search Engine Appearance
april the cruelest
april the cruelest. Barcelona, Spain. april the cruelest is the moniker of Fernando "Acero" Rodríguez García, composer and musicologist from Barcelona, Spain. His music blends cryptic collages based on XXth art references with a radical and experimental approach, mixing trip-hop sounds with hardcore and abrasive perspectives inspired by post-industrial and deconstructed sounds.
april the cruelest
april the cruelest. Barcelona, Spain. april the cruelest is the moniker of Fernando "Acero" Rodríguez García, composer and musicologist from Barcelona, Spain. His music blends cryptic collages based on XXth art references with a radical and experimental approach, mixing trip-hop sounds with hardcore and abrasive perspectives inspired by post-industrial and deconstructed sounds.
april the cruelest
april the cruelest. Barcelona, Spain. april the cruelest is the moniker of Fernando "Acero" Rodríguez García, composer and musicologist from Barcelona, Spain. His music blends cryptic collages based on XXth art references with a radical and experimental approach, mixing trip-hop sounds with hardcore and abrasive perspectives inspired by post-industrial and deconstructed sounds.
General Meta Tags
9- titleMusic | april the cruelest
- descriptionapril the cruelest. Barcelona, Spain. april the cruelest is the moniker of Fernando "Acero" Rodríguez García, composer and musicologist from Barcelona, Spain. His music blends cryptic collages based on XXth art references with a radical and experimental approach, mixing trip-hop sounds with hardcore and abrasive perspectives inspired by post-industrial and deconstructed sounds.
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Open Graph Meta Tags
6- og:titleapril the cruelest
- og:typeband
- og:urlhttps://aprilthecruelest.bandcamp.com
- og:site_nameapril the cruelest
- og:descriptionapril the cruelest is the moniker of Fernando "Acero" Rodríguez García, composer and musicologist from Barcelona, Spain. His music blends cryptic collages based on XXth art references with a radical and experimental approach, mixing trip-hop sounds with hardcore and abrasive perspectives inspired by post-industrial and deconstructed sounds.
Link Tags
7- apple-touch-iconhttps://s4.bcbits.com/img/favicon/apple-touch-icon.png
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- iconhttps://s4.bcbits.com/img/favicon/favicon-16x16.png
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- mask-iconhttps://s4.bcbits.com/img/favicon/safari-pinned-tab.svg
19- https://aprilthecruelest.bandcamp.com
- https://aprilthecruelest.bandcamp.com/album/hard-bop-or-how-i-started-hating-myself
- https://aprilthecruelest.bandcamp.com/community
- https://aprilthecruelest.bandcamp.com/contact?b=3988819116&n=april%20the%20cruelest
- https://aprilthecruelest.bandcamp.com/music