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We stand together
The war in Ukraine has a devastating impact on the country’s people and economy. The lives of millions of people have been turned upside down from one day to the next, their future and hope destroyed. At RBI, we uphold charity, respect, support, and cohesion – and we help in any way we can. Be it with emergency aid at the borders, with the education center at RCB, lodging or just some basic human support.
We stand together
The war in Ukraine has a devastating impact on the country’s people and economy. The lives of millions of people have been turned upside down from one day to the next, their future and hope destroyed. At RBI, we uphold charity, respect, support, and cohesion – and we help in any way we can. Be it with emergency aid at the borders, with the education center at RCB, lodging or just some basic human support.
We stand together
The war in Ukraine has a devastating impact on the country’s people and economy. The lives of millions of people have been turned upside down from one day to the next, their future and hope destroyed. At RBI, we uphold charity, respect, support, and cohesion – and we help in any way we can. Be it with emergency aid at the borders, with the education center at RCB, lodging or just some basic human support.
General Meta Tags
12- titleWe stand together
- charsetUTF-8
- descriptionThe war in Ukraine has a devastating impact on the country’s people and economy. The lives of millions of people have been turned upside down from one day to the next, their future and hope destroyed. At RBI, we uphold charity, respect, support, and cohesion – and we help in any way we can. Be it with emergency aid at the borders, with the education center at RCB, lodging or just some basic human support.
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Open Graph Meta Tags
5- og:titleWe stand together
- og:descriptionThe war in Ukraine has a devastating impact on the country’s people and economy. The lives of millions of people have been turned upside down from one day to the next, their future and hope destroyed. At RBI, we uphold charity, respect, support, and cohesion – and we help in any way we can. Be it with emergency aid at the borders, with the education center at RCB, lodging or just some basic human support.
- og:url
- og:image
- og:localeen
Item Prop Meta Tags
1- caption© APA/Helmut Fohringer
Link Tags
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Website Locales
3- de
- en
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