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Plan with Mind Maps
Advent day 22: I was first introduced to mind maps on one of those enforced team building workshop days with an old employer. At the time I was annoyed at being diverted from "real work" with all this silly nonsense, and promptly forgot all about them. It was only when sketching out ideas for a presentation that they came back to me. Could I have actually found a use for them after all?
Plan with Mind Maps
Advent day 22: I was first introduced to mind maps on one of those enforced team building workshop days with an old employer. At the time I was annoyed at being diverted from "real work" with all this silly nonsense, and promptly forgot all about them. It was only when sketching out ideas for a presentation that they came back to me. Could I have actually found a use for them after all?
Plan with Mind Maps
Advent day 22: I was first introduced to mind maps on one of those enforced team building workshop days with an old employer. At the time I was annoyed at being diverted from "real work" with all this silly nonsense, and promptly forgot all about them. It was only when sketching out ideas for a presentation that they came back to me. Could I have actually found a use for them after all?
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4- titlePlan with Mind Maps - Notist
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6- og:url
- og:typearticle
- og:titlePlan with Mind Maps
- og:descriptionAdvent day 22: I was first introduced to mind maps on one of those enforced team building workshop days with an old employer. At the time I was annoyed at being diverted from "real work" with all this silly nonsense, and promptly forgot all about them. It was only when sketching out ideas for a presentation that they came back to me. Could I have actually found a use for them after all?
- og:image
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