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12 Gets You Printed. 25 Gets You Paid.
If we had it our way, every shirt on Cotton Bureau would make it to print. The reality is, selling 25 shirts in two weeks is a pretty steep climb for most designers, and only about 40% of shirts make it. Though that number is greater than we expected when
12 Gets You Printed. 25 Gets You Paid.
If we had it our way, every shirt on Cotton Bureau would make it to print. The reality is, selling 25 shirts in two weeks is a pretty steep climb for most designers, and only about 40% of shirts make it. Though that number is greater than we expected when
12 Gets You Printed. 25 Gets You Paid.
If we had it our way, every shirt on Cotton Bureau would make it to print. The reality is, selling 25 shirts in two weeks is a pretty steep climb for most designers, and only about 40% of shirts make it. Though that number is greater than we expected when
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9- title12 Gets You Printed. 25 Gets You Paid.
- charsetutf-8
- viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1
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- article:published_time2014-04-15T04:00:00.000Z
Open Graph Meta Tags
5- og:site_nameThe Back Room
- og:typearticle
- og:title12 Gets You Printed. 25 Gets You Paid.
- og:descriptionIf we had it our way, every shirt on Cotton Bureau would make it to print. The reality is, selling 25 shirts in two weeks is a pretty steep climb for most designers, and only about 40% of shirts make it. Though that number is greater than we expected when
- og:url
Twitter Meta Tags
9- twitter:cardsummary
- twitter:title12 Gets You Printed. 25 Gets You Paid.
- twitter:descriptionIf we had it our way, every shirt on Cotton Bureau would make it to print. The reality is, selling 25 shirts in two weeks is a pretty steep climb for most designers, and only about 40% of shirts make it. Though that number is greater than we expected when
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- twitter:label1Written by
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