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Bootstrap 5.1.1

Bootstrap v5.1.1 has landed with a handful of bug fixes and documentation improvements. Following this release, we’ll be shipping another bugfix and docs update before moving onto additional new features. Keep reading for the highlights. Highlights Fixed broken .bg-body utility. This was caused by the same –body-rgb CSS variable for both text and background. –body-rgb is now split into –body-color-rgb and –body-bg-rgb for proper usage. While this could be considered a breaking change, the current implementation was outright broken, so we’ve chosen to address this head-on.


Bootstrap 5.1.1

Bootstrap v5.1.1 has landed with a handful of bug fixes and documentation improvements. Following this release, we’ll be shipping another bugfix and docs update before moving onto additional new features. Keep reading for the highlights. Highlights Fixed broken .bg-body utility. This was caused by the same –body-rgb CSS variable for both text and background. –body-rgb is now split into –body-color-rgb and –body-bg-rgb for proper usage. While this could be considered a breaking change, the current implementation was outright broken, so we’ve chosen to address this head-on.


Bootstrap 5.1.1

Bootstrap v5.1.1 has landed with a handful of bug fixes and documentation improvements. Following this release, we’ll be shipping another bugfix and docs update before moving onto additional new features. Keep reading for the highlights. Highlights Fixed broken .bg-body utility. This was caused by the same –body-rgb CSS variable for both text and background. –body-rgb is now split into –body-color-rgb and –body-bg-rgb for proper usage. While this could be considered a breaking change, the current implementation was outright broken, so we’ve chosen to address this head-on.

  • General Meta Tags

    • title
      Bootstrap 5.1.1 | Bootstrap Blog
    • title
    • title
    • charset
    • viewport
      width=device-width, initial-scale=1
  • Open Graph Meta Tags

    • og:url
    • og:site_name
      Bootstrap Blog
    • og:title
      Bootstrap 5.1.1
    • og:description
      Bootstrap v5.1.1 has landed with a handful of bug fixes and documentation improvements. Following this release, we’ll be shipping another bugfix and docs update before moving onto additional new features. Keep reading for the highlights. Highlights Fixed broken .bg-body utility. This was caused by the same --body-rgb CSS variable for both text and background. --body-rgb is now split into --body-color-rgb and --body-bg-rgb for proper usage. While this could be considered a breaking change, the current implementation was outright broken, so we’ve chosen to address this head-on.
    • og:locale
  • Twitter Meta Tags

    • twitter:card
    • twitter:image
    • twitter:title
      Bootstrap 5.1.1
    • twitter:description
      Bootstrap v5.1.1 has landed with a handful of bug fixes and documentation improvements. Following this release, we’ll be shipping another bugfix and docs update before moving onto additional new features. Keep reading for the highlights. Highlights Fixed broken .bg-body utility. This was caused by the same --body-rgb CSS variable for both text and background. --body-rgb is now split into --body-color-rgb and --body-bg-rgb for proper usage. While this could be considered a breaking change, the current implementation was outright broken, so we’ve chosen to address this head-on.
    • twitter:site
  • Item Prop Meta Tags

    • name
      Bootstrap 5.1.1
    • description
      Bootstrap v5.1.1 has landed with a handful of bug fixes and documentation improvements. Following this release, we’ll be shipping another bugfix and docs update before moving onto additional new features. Keep reading for the highlights. Highlights Fixed broken .bg-body utility. This was caused by the same --body-rgb CSS variable for both text and background. --body-rgb is now split into --body-color-rgb and --body-bg-rgb for proper usage. While this could be considered a breaking change, the current implementation was outright broken, so we’ve chosen to address this head-on.
    • datePublished
    • dateModified
    • wordCount
  • Link Tags

    • alternate
    • apple-touch-icon
    • canonical
    • icon
    • icon
