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Bootstrap v4.6.1

Bootstrap v4.6.1 has finally arrived! Biggest change here is a re-implementation of our Sass division functions and updates from v5, as well as some accessibility improvements and general bug fixes. Read on for the highlights or head to the v4.6.x docs to see the latest in action. What’s changed Replace Sass division with multiplication and custom divide() function fix(forms): input-group and validation icons Fix minor visual bug in FF caused by moz-focusring Adjust SAFE_URL_PATTERN regex for use with test method of regexes Add sms in the SAFE_URL_PATTERN for sanitizer Adjust feedback icon position and padding for select.


Bootstrap v4.6.1

Bootstrap v4.6.1 has finally arrived! Biggest change here is a re-implementation of our Sass division functions and updates from v5, as well as some accessibility improvements and general bug fixes. Read on for the highlights or head to the v4.6.x docs to see the latest in action. What’s changed Replace Sass division with multiplication and custom divide() function fix(forms): input-group and validation icons Fix minor visual bug in FF caused by moz-focusring Adjust SAFE_URL_PATTERN regex for use with test method of regexes Add sms in the SAFE_URL_PATTERN for sanitizer Adjust feedback icon position and padding for select.


Bootstrap v4.6.1

Bootstrap v4.6.1 has finally arrived! Biggest change here is a re-implementation of our Sass division functions and updates from v5, as well as some accessibility improvements and general bug fixes. Read on for the highlights or head to the v4.6.x docs to see the latest in action. What’s changed Replace Sass division with multiplication and custom divide() function fix(forms): input-group and validation icons Fix minor visual bug in FF caused by moz-focusring Adjust SAFE_URL_PATTERN regex for use with test method of regexes Add sms in the SAFE_URL_PATTERN for sanitizer Adjust feedback icon position and padding for select.

  • General Meta Tags

    • title
      Bootstrap v4.6.1 | Bootstrap Blog
    • title
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    • viewport
      width=device-width, initial-scale=1
  • Open Graph Meta Tags

    • og:url
    • og:site_name
      Bootstrap Blog
    • og:title
      Bootstrap v4.6.1
    • og:description
      Bootstrap v4.6.1 has finally arrived! Biggest change here is a re-implementation of our Sass division functions and updates from v5, as well as some accessibility improvements and general bug fixes. Read on for the highlights or head to the v4.6.x docs to see the latest in action. What’s changed Replace Sass division with multiplication and custom divide() function fix(forms): input-group and validation icons Fix minor visual bug in FF caused by moz-focusring Adjust SAFE_URL_PATTERN regex for use with test method of regexes Add sms in the SAFE_URL_PATTERN for sanitizer Adjust feedback icon position and padding for select.
    • og:locale
  • Twitter Meta Tags

    • twitter:card
    • twitter:image
    • twitter:title
      Bootstrap v4.6.1
    • twitter:description
      Bootstrap v4.6.1 has finally arrived! Biggest change here is a re-implementation of our Sass division functions and updates from v5, as well as some accessibility improvements and general bug fixes. Read on for the highlights or head to the v4.6.x docs to see the latest in action. What’s changed Replace Sass division with multiplication and custom divide() function fix(forms): input-group and validation icons Fix minor visual bug in FF caused by moz-focusring Adjust SAFE_URL_PATTERN regex for use with test method of regexes Add sms in the SAFE_URL_PATTERN for sanitizer Adjust feedback icon position and padding for select.
    • twitter:site
  • Item Prop Meta Tags

    • name
      Bootstrap v4.6.1
    • description
      Bootstrap v4.6.1 has finally arrived! Biggest change here is a re-implementation of our Sass division functions and updates from v5, as well as some accessibility improvements and general bug fixes. Read on for the highlights or head to the v4.6.x docs to see the latest in action. What’s changed Replace Sass division with multiplication and custom divide() function fix(forms): input-group and validation icons Fix minor visual bug in FF caused by moz-focusring Adjust SAFE_URL_PATTERN regex for use with test method of regexes Add sms in the SAFE_URL_PATTERN for sanitizer Adjust feedback icon position and padding for select.
    • datePublished
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    • wordCount
  • Link Tags

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    • apple-touch-icon
    • canonical
    • icon
    • icon
