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Bootstrap Icons v1.11.0

Bootstrap Icons v1.11.0 has arrived with 100 new icons—including new floppy disk icons, additional brand icons, new person icons, new emojis, some birthday cake, a few new science icons, and more. We’re now at over 2,000 icons! 100 new icons Here’s a quick look at all the new icons in v1.11.0: Check out the pull request for all the details on which icons were added and which were updated. I’ve also started adding a new added tag to icon pages with this release.


Bootstrap Icons v1.11.0

Bootstrap Icons v1.11.0 has arrived with 100 new icons—including new floppy disk icons, additional brand icons, new person icons, new emojis, some birthday cake, a few new science icons, and more. We’re now at over 2,000 icons! 100 new icons Here’s a quick look at all the new icons in v1.11.0: Check out the pull request for all the details on which icons were added and which were updated. I’ve also started adding a new added tag to icon pages with this release.


Bootstrap Icons v1.11.0

Bootstrap Icons v1.11.0 has arrived with 100 new icons—including new floppy disk icons, additional brand icons, new person icons, new emojis, some birthday cake, a few new science icons, and more. We’re now at over 2,000 icons! 100 new icons Here’s a quick look at all the new icons in v1.11.0: Check out the pull request for all the details on which icons were added and which were updated. I’ve also started adding a new added tag to icon pages with this release.

  • General Meta Tags

    • title
      Bootstrap Icons v1.11.0 | Bootstrap Blog
    • title
    • title
    • charset
    • viewport
      width=device-width, initial-scale=1
  • Open Graph Meta Tags

    • og:url
    • og:site_name
      Bootstrap Blog
    • og:title
      Bootstrap Icons v1.11.0
    • og:description
      Bootstrap Icons v1.11.0 has arrived with 100 new icons—including new floppy disk icons, additional brand icons, new person icons, new emojis, some birthday cake, a few new science icons, and more. We’re now at over 2,000 icons! 100 new icons Here’s a quick look at all the new icons in v1.11.0: Check out the pull request for all the details on which icons were added and which were updated. I’ve also started adding a new added tag to icon pages with this release.
    • og:locale
  • Twitter Meta Tags

    • twitter:card
    • twitter:image
    • twitter:title
      Bootstrap Icons v1.11.0
    • twitter:description
      Bootstrap Icons v1.11.0 has arrived with 100 new icons—including new floppy disk icons, additional brand icons, new person icons, new emojis, some birthday cake, a few new science icons, and more. We’re now at over 2,000 icons! 100 new icons Here’s a quick look at all the new icons in v1.11.0: Check out the pull request for all the details on which icons were added and which were updated. I’ve also started adding a new added tag to icon pages with this release.
    • twitter:site
  • Item Prop Meta Tags

    • name
      Bootstrap Icons v1.11.0
    • description
      Bootstrap Icons v1.11.0 has arrived with 100 new icons—including new floppy disk icons, additional brand icons, new person icons, new emojis, some birthday cake, a few new science icons, and more. We’re now at over 2,000 icons! 100 new icons Here’s a quick look at all the new icons in v1.11.0: Check out the pull request for all the details on which icons were added and which were updated. I’ve also started adding a new added tag to icon pages with this release.
    • datePublished
    • dateModified
    • wordCount
  • Link Tags

    • alternate
    • apple-touch-icon
    • canonical
    • icon
    • icon
