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Replit — I’m not a programmer, and I used AI to build my first bot

Before I joined Replit, I had never written a line of code. A few weeks ago, I built a Slack Bot that uses Google LLMs to provide daily channel summaries. You can fork the template or get started with 100 Days of Code. None of this was possible without Replit. Let me explain why: Getting started with no setup Using Replit AI capabilities


Replit — I’m not a programmer, and I used AI to build my first bot

Before I joined Replit, I had never written a line of code. A few weeks ago, I built a Slack Bot that uses Google LLMs to provide daily channel summaries. You can fork the template or get started with 100 Days of Code. None of this was possible without Replit. Let me explain why: Getting started with no setup Using Replit AI capabilities


Replit — I’m not a programmer, and I used AI to build my first bot

Before I joined Replit, I had never written a line of code. A few weeks ago, I built a Slack Bot that uses Google LLMs to provide daily channel summaries. You can fork the template or get started with 100 Days of Code. None of this was possible without Replit. Let me explain why: Getting started with no setup Using Replit AI capabilities

  • General Meta Tags

    • title
      Replit — I’m not a programmer, and I used AI to build my first bot
    • charset
    • description
      Before I joined Replit, I had never written a line of code. A few weeks ago, I built a Slack Bot that uses Google LLMs to provide daily channel summaries. You can fork the template or get started with 100 Days of Code. None of this was possible without Replit. Let me explain why: Getting started with no setup Using Replit AI capabilities
    • keywords
    • viewport
      initial-scale=1.0, width=device-width
  • Open Graph Meta Tags

    • author
    • og:title
      Replit — I’m not a programmer, and I used AI to build my first bot
    • og:description
      Before I joined Replit, I had never written a line of code. A few weeks ago, I built a Slack Bot that uses Google LLMs to provide daily channel summaries. You can fork the template or get started with 100 Days of Code. None of this was possible without Replit. Let me explain why: Getting started with no setup Using Replit AI capabilities
    • og:image
    • og:type
  • Twitter Meta Tags

    • twitter:card
    • twitter:site
    • twitter:title
      Replit — I’m not a programmer, and I used AI to build my first bot
    • twitter:description
      Before I joined Replit, I had never written a line of code. A few weeks ago, I built a Slack Bot that uses Google LLMs to provide daily channel summaries. You can fork the template or get started with 100 Days of Code. None of this was possible without Replit. Let me explain why: Getting started with no setup Using Replit AI capabilities
    • twitter:image
  • Item Prop Meta Tags

    • name
      Replit — I’m not a programmer, and I used AI to build my first bot
    • description
      Before I joined Replit, I had never written a line of code. A few weeks ago, I built a Slack Bot that uses Google LLMs to provide daily channel summaries. You can fork the template or get started with 100 Days of Code. None of this was possible without Replit. Let me explain why: Getting started with no setup Using Replit AI capabilities
    • image
  • Link Tags

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