Preview meta tags from the buffetapp.co website.
Linked Hostnames
4Search Engine Appearance
Buffet - Where people & places meet.
The new, and only, social networking platform that provides the person and the place so all you have to do is decide if you're interested.
Buffet - Where people & places meet.
The new, and only, social networking platform that provides the person and the place so all you have to do is decide if you're interested.
Buffet - Where people & places meet.
The new, and only, social networking platform that provides the person and the place so all you have to do is decide if you're interested.
General Meta Tags
9- titleBuffet - Where people & places meet.
- charsetUTF-8
- viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1.0
- descriptionThe new, and only, social networking platform that provides the person and the place so all you have to do is decide if you're interested.
- robotsindex, follow, max-snippet:-1, max-video-preview:-1, max-image-preview:large
Open Graph Meta Tags
7- og:localeen_US
- og:typewebsite
- og:titleBuffet - Where people & places meet.
- og:descriptionThe new, and only, social networking platform that provides the person and the place so all you have to do is decide if you're interested.
- og:urlhttps://buffetapp.co/
Twitter Meta Tags
7- twitter:cardsummary_large_image
- twitter:titleBuffet - Where people & places meet.
- twitter:descriptionThe new, and only, social networking platform that provides the person and the place so all you have to do is decide if you're interested.
- twitter:label1Written by
- twitter:data1Rich Hacking
Link Tags
23- EditURIhttps://buffetapp.co/xmlrpc.php?rsd
- alternatehttps://buffetapp.co/feed/
- alternatehttps://buffetapp.co/comments/feed/
- alternatehttps://buffetapp.co/wp-json/wp/v2/pages/505
- alternatehttps://buffetapp.co/wp-json/oembed/1.0/embed?url=https%3A%2F%2Fbuffetapp.co%2F
13- https://buffetapp.co
- https://buffetapp.co/buffets-buffets-an-ayce-tier-list
- https://buffetapp.co/category/events
- https://buffetapp.co/category/for-fun
- https://buffetapp.co/category/updates