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DORA – Delta View

DORA is intended to transfer national regulations in the area of financial market regulation into uniform, harmonised EU law. This blog post focuses on the delta to current regulation, i.e. what is actually new for the established financial industry out of DORA.DORA broadens the scope to about 20 types of entities and ICT third party providers. For those companies for which the rule contents such as ICT risk management, reporting of ICT incidents and auditing of digital operational stability were previously not an issue, everything is new out of DORA. For the companies already supervised by BaFin, DORA contains many parts known from XAIT.


DORA – Delta View

DORA is intended to transfer national regulations in the area of financial market regulation into uniform, harmonised EU law. This blog post focuses on the delta to current regulation, i.e. what is actually new for the established financial industry out of DORA.DORA broadens the scope to about 20 types of entities and ICT third party providers. For those companies for which the rule contents such as ICT risk management, reporting of ICT incidents and auditing of digital operational stability were previously not an issue, everything is new out of DORA. For the companies already supervised by BaFin, DORA contains many parts known from XAIT.


DORA – Delta View

DORA is intended to transfer national regulations in the area of financial market regulation into uniform, harmonised EU law. This blog post focuses on the delta to current regulation, i.e. what is actually new for the established financial industry out of DORA.DORA broadens the scope to about 20 types of entities and ICT third party providers. For those companies for which the rule contents such as ICT risk management, reporting of ICT incidents and auditing of digital operational stability were previously not an issue, everything is new out of DORA. For the companies already supervised by BaFin, DORA contains many parts known from XAIT.

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      DORA – Delta View | CORE
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      DORA is intended to transfer national regulations in the area of financial market regulation into uniform, harmonised EU law. This blog post focuses on the delta to current regulation, i.e. what is actually new for the established financial industry out of DORA.DORA broadens the scope to about 20 types of entities and ICT third party providers. For those companies for which the rule contents such as ICT risk management, reporting of ICT incidents and auditing of digital operational stability were previously not an issue, everything is new out of DORA. For the companies already supervised by BaFin, DORA contains many parts known from XAIT.
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      Blog post
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      DORA – Delta View
    • og:description
      DORA is intended to transfer national regulations in the area of financial market regulation into uniform, harmonised EU law. This blog post focuses on the delta to current regulation, i.e. what is actually new for the established financial industry out of DORA.DORA broadens the scope to about 20 types of entities and ICT third party providers. For those companies for which the rule contents such as ICT risk management, reporting of ICT incidents and auditing of digital operational stability were previously not an issue, everything is new out of DORA. For the companies already supervised by BaFin, DORA contains many parts known from XAIT.
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      DORA – Delta View
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      DORA is intended to transfer national regulations in the area of financial market regulation into uniform, harmonised EU law. This blog post focuses on the delta to current regulation, i.e. what is actually new for the established financial industry out of DORA.DORA broadens the scope to about 20 types of entities and ICT third party providers. For those companies for which the rule contents such as ICT risk management, reporting of ICT incidents and auditing of digital operational stability were previously not an issue, everything is new out of DORA. For the companies already supervised by BaFin, DORA contains many parts known from XAIT.
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