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Dan North & Associates Limited

Welcome to DNA What do you do? We help your organization go faster. What do you mean by faster? Imagine: A product manager wakes up with a great idea. He tells his manager. She sees its commercial value and works with the product manager to put a proposal together. The proposal goes into IT. If you’re lucky you might have business case sign-off within a few weeks, feasibility underway within a couple of months and a prototype a few months after that.


Dan North & Associates Limited


Welcome to DNA What do you do? We help your organization go faster. What do you mean by faster? Imagine: A product manager wakes up with a great idea. He tells his manager. She sees its commercial value and works with the product manager to put a proposal together. The proposal goes into IT. If you’re lucky you might have business case sign-off within a few weeks, feasibility underway within a couple of months and a prototype a few months after that.



Dan North & Associates Limited

Welcome to DNA What do you do? We help your organization go faster. What do you mean by faster? Imagine: A product manager wakes up with a great idea. He tells his manager. She sees its commercial value and works with the product manager to put a proposal together. The proposal goes into IT. If you’re lucky you might have business case sign-off within a few weeks, feasibility underway within a couple of months and a prototype a few months after that.

  • General Meta Tags

    • title
      Dan North & Associates Limited
    • generator
      Hugo 0.134.0
    • charset
    • viewport
      width=device-width, initial-scale=1
    • description
  • Open Graph Meta Tags

    • og:url
    • og:site_name
      Dan North & Associates Limited
    • og:title
      Dan North & Associates Limited
    • og:description
      Welcome to DNA What do you do? We help your organization go faster. What do you mean by faster? Imagine: A product manager wakes up with a great idea. He tells his manager. She sees its commercial value and works with the product manager to put a proposal together. The proposal goes into IT. If you’re lucky you might have business case sign-off within a few weeks, feasibility underway within a couple of months and a prototype a few months after that.
    • GB country flagog:locale
  • Item Prop Meta Tags

    • name
      Dan North & Associates Limited
    • description
      Welcome to DNA What do you do? We help your organization go faster. What do you mean by faster? Imagine: A product manager wakes up with a great idea. He tells his manager. She sees its commercial value and works with the product manager to put a proposal together. The proposal goes into IT. If you’re lucky you might have business case sign-off within a few weeks, feasibility underway within a couple of months and a prototype a few months after that.
    • datePublished
    • dateModified
    • wordCount
  • Link Tags

    • alternate
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    • preconnect
    • shortcut icon
