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    • title
      Darwin Manuscripts Project
    • Content-Type
      text/html; charset=utf-8
    • WT.cg_n
      Category: Darwin Manuscript
    • WT.cg_s
      SubCat: Main Page
    • keywords
      Charles Darwin, Charles Robert Darwin, CD, Darwin, Manuscripts, Darwin Manuscripts, Origin of Species, Evolution, Transmutation, Darwin's Notebooks, Charles Darwin's Library, DARBASE, Notebook B, Notebook C, Notebook D, Notebook E, Red Notebook, Charles Darwin Papers, Cambridge University Library, Charles Darwin Papers, Natural Selection, Natural Selection Portfolios, DAR, Notebook M, Notebook N, Descent of Man, 1842 Sketch, 1844 Essay, Pencil Sketch, Experiment Book, Questions & Experiments Notebook, Beagle, Pocket Diary, Evolutionary Botany, Expresson of Emotions, DAR 157a, DAR 6, DAR 158, DAR 7, DAR 113, DAR 80, DAR 90, DAR 205, Principle of divergence, speciation, tree of life, surviving leaves of the Origin, David Kohn, AMNH, American Museum of Natural History, Research Library, EvoLit, Bibliography of Evolution, APS, Darwin, Smithsonian, Darwin, Eton, Darwin, Natural History Museum, Darwin, AMNH, Darwin, Gray Herbarium, Darwin, BHL, Darwin collection, Lehigh, Darwin, Karpeles, Darwin, B 36, D133e, D134e, DAR 208, Malthus, Asa Gray, Joseph Hooker, species, transformism, Transmutation Notebooks, Metaphysical Notebooks, Cambridge University Library, Manuscripts Department, Nora Barlow papers, Gwen Raverat papers, Emma Darwin papers, high resolution scans, clarified text, clear text, DMP, Darwin Digital Library, Randal Keynes
