Preview meta tags from the diiv.bandcamp.com website.
Linked Hostnames
9- 21 links towww.songkick.com
- 14 links todiiv.bandcamp.com
- 7 links tobandcamp.com
- 1 link tof4.bcbits.com
- 1 link toget.bandcamp.help
- 1 link toinstagram.com
- 1 link totwitter.com
- 1 link towww.diiv.net
Search Engine Appearance
DIIV. Brooklyn, New York. DIIV—Zachary Cole Smith [lead vocals, guitar], Andrew Bailey [guitar], Colin Caulfield [vocals, bass], and Ben Newman [drums]—craft the soundtrack to personal resurrection under the heavy weight of metallic catharsis upheld by robust guitars and vocal tension that almost snaps, but never quite…
DIIV. Brooklyn, New York. DIIV—Zachary Cole Smith [lead vocals, guitar], Andrew Bailey [guitar], Colin Caulfield [vocals, bass], and Ben Newman [drums]—craft the soundtrack to personal resurrection under the heavy weight of metallic catharsis upheld by robust guitars and vocal tension that almost snaps, but never quite…
DIIV. Brooklyn, New York. DIIV—Zachary Cole Smith [lead vocals, guitar], Andrew Bailey [guitar], Colin Caulfield [vocals, bass], and Ben Newman [drums]—craft the soundtrack to personal resurrection under the heavy weight of metallic catharsis upheld by robust guitars and vocal tension that almost snaps, but never quite…
General Meta Tags
9- titleMusic | DIIV
- descriptionDIIV. Brooklyn, New York. DIIV—Zachary Cole Smith [lead vocals, guitar], Andrew Bailey [guitar], Colin Caulfield [vocals, bass], and Ben Newman [drums]—craft the soundtrack to personal resurrection under the heavy weight of metallic catharsis upheld by robust guitars and vocal tension that almost snaps, but never quite…
- msapplication-TileColor#603cba
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Open Graph Meta Tags
6- og:titleDIIV
- og:typeband
- og:urlhttps://diiv.bandcamp.com
- og:site_nameDIIV
- og:descriptionDIIV—Zachary Cole Smith [lead vocals, guitar], Andrew Bailey [guitar], Colin Caulfield [vocals, bass], and Ben Newman [drums]—craft the soundtrack to personal resurrection under the heavy weight of metallic catharsis upheld by robust guitars and vocal tension that almost snaps, but never quite…
Link Tags
7- apple-touch-iconhttps://s4.bcbits.com/img/favicon/apple-touch-icon.png
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48- http://instagram.com/lovealienzzz
- http://www.diiv.net
- https://bandcamp.com/?from=menubar_logo_logged_out
- https://bandcamp.com/cart
- https://bandcamp.com/help/downloading?from=tralbum_downloading