Preview meta tags from the eastwoodsport.com website.
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Eastwood - Brand and digital product design for sport
We're a design, brand and digital product design studio that's dedicated to creating better experience for audiences of sport and fitness. Our goal is to bring players, participants, coaches, trainers, administrators and fans closer and more connected to the activities that inspire them. Our projects are visually led and audience-focused.
Eastwood - Brand and digital product design for sport
We're a design, brand and digital product design studio that's dedicated to creating better experience for audiences of sport and fitness. Our goal is to bring players, participants, coaches, trainers, administrators and fans closer and more connected to the activities that inspire them. Our projects are visually led and audience-focused.
Eastwood - Brand and digital product design for sport
We're a design, brand and digital product design studio that's dedicated to creating better experience for audiences of sport and fitness. Our goal is to bring players, participants, coaches, trainers, administrators and fans closer and more connected to the activities that inspire them. Our projects are visually led and audience-focused.
General Meta Tags
9- titleEastwood - Brand and digital product design for sport
- charsetutf-8
- descriptionWe're a design, brand and digital product design studio that's dedicated to creating better experience for audiences of sport and fitness. Our goal is to bring players, participants, coaches, trainers, administrators and fans closer and more connected to the activities that inspire them. Our projects are visually led and audience-focused.
- twitter:titleEastwood - Brand and digital product design for sport
- twitter:descriptionWe're a design, brand and digital product design studio that's dedicated to creating better experience for audiences of sport and fitness. Our goal is to bring players, participants, coaches, trainers, administrators and fans closer and more connected to the activities that inspire them. Our projects are visually led and audience-focused.
Open Graph Meta Tags
4- og:titleEastwood - Brand and digital product design for sport
- og:descriptionWe're a design, brand and digital product design studio that's dedicated to creating better experience for audiences of sport and fitness. Our goal is to bring players, participants, coaches, trainers, administrators and fans closer and more connected to the activities that inspire them. Our projects are visually led and audience-focused.
- og:imagehttps://cdn.prod.website-files.com/6610a3141f23814c6ec0e477/66aa69b8ae40a2ff392aa8a1_P-Memberships-%3DP-Memberships-45.jpeg
- og:typewebsite
Twitter Meta Tags
1- twitter:cardsummary_large_image
Link Tags
4- apple-touch-iconhttps://cdn.prod.website-files.com/6610a3141f23814c6ec0e477/66984935bbf1763ad2dad81f_webclip-ewd-1.png
- canonicalhttps://www.eastwoodsport.com/
- shortcut iconhttps://cdn.prod.website-files.com/6610a3141f23814c6ec0e477/6698492261625d57390314f8_favicon-ewd-2-1.png
- stylesheethttps://cdn.prod.website-files.com/6610a3141f23814c6ec0e477/css/eastwood-sport-staging.webflow.b65784aeb.css
2- [email protected]?subject=Eastwood%20Enquiry
- [email protected]
20- https://eastwoodsport.com
- https://eastwoodsport.com/journal
- https://eastwoodsport.com/journal/are-stadiums-ready-for-the-transportation-revolution
- https://eastwoodsport.com/journal/brand-first-fans-first-thelafc-story
- https://eastwoodsport.com/journal/can-a-stadium-galvanise-a-city