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Emerson Tung
Art and Design Portfolio of Concept Artist Emerson Tung. Emerson is a concept artist/illustrator working in the entertainment industry. He's worked on franchises such as DOOM, DOOM Eternal, Transformers, Warhammer 40K and Warmachines. He's currently the lead concept artist at id Software.
Emerson Tung
Art and Design Portfolio of Concept Artist Emerson Tung. Emerson is a concept artist/illustrator working in the entertainment industry. He's worked on franchises such as DOOM, DOOM Eternal, Transformers, Warhammer 40K and Warmachines. He's currently the lead concept artist at id Software.
Emerson Tung
Art and Design Portfolio of Concept Artist Emerson Tung. Emerson is a concept artist/illustrator working in the entertainment industry. He's worked on franchises such as DOOM, DOOM Eternal, Transformers, Warhammer 40K and Warmachines. He's currently the lead concept artist at id Software.
General Meta Tags
6- titleEmerson Tung
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Open Graph Meta Tags
8- og:site_nameEmerson Tung
- og:titleEmerson Tung
- og:urlhttps://emersontung.com
- og:typewebsite
- og:descriptionArt and Design Portfolio of Concept Artist Emerson Tung. Emerson is a concept artist/illustrator working in the entertainment industry. He's worked on franchises such as DOOM, DOOM Eternal, Transformers, Warhammer 40K and Warmachines. He's currently the lead concept artist at id Software.
Twitter Meta Tags
5- twitter:titleEmerson Tung
- twitter:imagehttp://static1.squarespace.com/static/52006914e4b0800e68bb4171/t/63c95cb037451e75ddd0e39d/1674140853123/2021_Banner_web.jpg?format=1500w
- twitter:urlhttps://emersontung.com
- twitter:cardsummary
- twitter:descriptionArt and Design Portfolio of Concept Artist Emerson Tung. Emerson is a concept artist/illustrator working in the entertainment industry. He's worked on franchises such as DOOM, DOOM Eternal, Transformers, Warhammer 40K and Warmachines. He's currently the lead concept artist at id Software.
Item Prop Meta Tags
5- nameEmerson Tung
- urlhttps://emersontung.com
- descriptionArt and Design Portfolio of Concept Artist Emerson Tung. Emerson is a concept artist/illustrator working in the entertainment industry. He's worked on franchises such as DOOM, DOOM Eternal, Transformers, Warhammer 40K and Warmachines. He's currently the lead concept artist at id Software.
- thumbnailUrlhttp://static1.squarespace.com/static/52006914e4b0800e68bb4171/t/63c95cb037451e75ddd0e39d/1674140853123/2021_Banner_web.jpg?format=1500w
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Link Tags
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13- http://emersontung.tumblr.com
- http://instagram.com/emersontung
- http://www.linkedin.com/in/emersontung
- https://emersontung.com
- https://emersontung.com/about