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Going to ECCC!
Hey folks! I hope you're enjoying the new layout for the store! Isa and Meg are going to Emerald City Comicon in Seattle and will be gone April 6-12. Any store orders containing physical items made between April 4 and 12 will ship after the 12th since we will be at the con. Meg will try to ship orders made on the 4th a
Going to ECCC!
Hey folks! I hope you're enjoying the new layout for the store! Isa and Meg are going to Emerald City Comicon in Seattle and will be gone April 6-12. Any store orders containing physical items made between April 4 and 12 will ship after the 12th since we will be at the con. Meg will try to ship orders made on the 4th a
Going to ECCC!
Hey folks! I hope you're enjoying the new layout for the store! Isa and Meg are going to Emerald City Comicon in Seattle and will be gone April 6-12. Any store orders containing physical items made between April 4 and 12 will ship after the 12th since we will be at the con. Meg will try to ship orders made on the 4th a
General Meta Tags
9- titleGoing to ECCC! – Fairylogue Press
- charsetutf-8
- X-UA-CompatibleIE=edge,chrome=1
- descriptionHey folks! I hope you're enjoying the new layout for the store! Isa and Meg are going to Emerald City Comicon in Seattle and will be gone April 6-12. Any store orders containing physical items made between April 4 and 12 will ship after the 12th since we will be at the con. Meg will try to ship orders made on the 4th a
- viewportwidth=device-width,initial-scale=1
Open Graph Meta Tags
7- og:site_nameFairylogue Press
- og:urlhttps://fairyloguepress.com/blogs/news/114675012-going-to-eccc
- og:titleGoing to ECCC!
- og:typearticle
- og:descriptionHey folks! I hope you're enjoying the new layout for the store! Isa and Meg are going to Emerald City Comicon in Seattle and will be gone April 6-12. Any store orders containing physical items made between April 4 and 12 will ship after the 12th since we will be at the con. Meg will try to ship orders made on the 4th a
Twitter Meta Tags
3- twitter:cardsummary_large_image
- twitter:titleGoing to ECCC!
- twitter:descriptionHey folks! I hope you're enjoying the new layout for the store! Isa and Meg are going to Emerald City Comicon in Seattle and will be gone April 6-12. Any store orders containing physical items made between April 4 and 12 will ship after the 12th since we will be at the con. Meg will try to ship orders made on the 4th a
Link Tags
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- https://fairyloguepress.com/blogs/news/114675012-going-to-eccc