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Review - Phoenix: Dark Messiah by David Alexander — Fathom Press
The civilization was over in the 80s. What was left was a wasteland of killers, cool vehicles, mutants, big ‘ol guns, and tough heroes. I mean that’s how I remember it. The Post-Nuke Pulp movement introduced a ton of new paper heroes and series, obviously the whole thing was a reaction basically just to the Mad Max movies. They had titles like Swampmaster, Storm Rider, Road Blaster, The Survivalist, Warlord etc. etc. There’s a lot more and some of them like Deathlands well into the 2000s which is pretty impressive. I guess it was the allure of a new west where the thrilling tales of a lawless land and the lone man who tries to tame it must hit somewhere deep in our unconscious. Or people like to read about mutants getting killed…
Review - Phoenix: Dark Messiah by David Alexander — Fathom Press
The civilization was over in the 80s. What was left was a wasteland of killers, cool vehicles, mutants, big ‘ol guns, and tough heroes. I mean that’s how I remember it. The Post-Nuke Pulp movement introduced a ton of new paper heroes and series, obviously the whole thing was a reaction basically just to the Mad Max movies. They had titles like Swampmaster, Storm Rider, Road Blaster, The Survivalist, Warlord etc. etc. There’s a lot more and some of them like Deathlands well into the 2000s which is pretty impressive. I guess it was the allure of a new west where the thrilling tales of a lawless land and the lone man who tries to tame it must hit somewhere deep in our unconscious. Or people like to read about mutants getting killed…
Review - Phoenix: Dark Messiah by David Alexander — Fathom Press
The civilization was over in the 80s. What was left was a wasteland of killers, cool vehicles, mutants, big ‘ol guns, and tough heroes. I mean that’s how I remember it. The Post-Nuke Pulp movement introduced a ton of new paper heroes and series, obviously the whole thing was a reaction basically just to the Mad Max movies. They had titles like Swampmaster, Storm Rider, Road Blaster, The Survivalist, Warlord etc. etc. There’s a lot more and some of them like Deathlands well into the 2000s which is pretty impressive. I guess it was the allure of a new west where the thrilling tales of a lawless land and the lone man who tries to tame it must hit somewhere deep in our unconscious. Or people like to read about mutants getting killed…
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6- titleReview - Phoenix: Dark Messiah by David Alexander — Fathom Press
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5- twitter:titleReview - Phoenix: Dark Messiah by David Alexander — Fathom Press
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- twitter:descriptionThe civilization was over in the 80s. What was left was a wasteland of killers, cool vehicles, mutants, big ‘ol guns, and tough heroes. I mean that’s how I remember it. The Post-Nuke Pulp movement introduced a ton of new paper heroes and series, obviously the whole thing was a reaction basically jus
Item Prop Meta Tags
10- nameReview - Phoenix: Dark Messiah by David Alexander — Fathom Press
- urlhttps://fathompress.com/blog/amityville-horror-a87nd
- descriptionThe civilization was over in the 80s. What was left was a wasteland of killers, cool vehicles, mutants, big ‘ol guns, and tough heroes. I mean that’s how I remember it. The Post-Nuke Pulp movement introduced a ton of new paper heroes and series, obviously the whole thing was a reaction basically jus
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