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  • General Meta Tags

    • title
      USPS Business Customer Gateway
    • keywords
      postal, postage, shipping, packages, mail, mailing, ship, stamps, business, professional, tracking, USPS,portal, Package Intercept, FAST, Mailing Appointment, SBP, Scan Based Payment, Product Performance, PRS, Parcel Return Service, Online Enrollment, MMA, Managed Mailing Activity, Mailer ID, MID, MTEOR, Mail Transport Equipment Ordering, IMSB, Intelligent Mail Small Business, EDDM, Every Door Direct Mail, ePubwatch, eVS, Electronic Verification Service, Incentive Programs, CSAs, CLDS, Labels, customer label, CAPS, Centralized Account Processing Systems, BSN, Business Service Network, Business Reply Mail, Automated Business Reply Mail, ADVANCE
    • description
      The USPS Business Customer Gateway provides access to the entire suite of tools and services offered to the United States Postal Service's business customers of all sizes and types.
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