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The Parrots on Heavenly Recordings
The Parrots' second album Dos is an all consuming, life-affirming joyous noise. Where their debut - Los Niños Sin Miedo - howled and rattled like the garage bands that had inspired them in their formative years in Madrid, Dos was conceived by Diego Garcia (guitar, vocals) and Alex de Lucas (bass) as a chance to showcase their wider ambitions. That desire to expand the band’s sound led them to working with producer Tom Furse from The Horrors. Fans of The Parrots previous records and their life-enhancing live shows needn’t worry that things have changed too much. Dos is still very much a garage rock record, only one now painted in brighter, bolder, more psychedelic colours.
The Parrots on Heavenly Recordings
The Parrots' second album Dos is an all consuming, life-affirming joyous noise. Where their debut - Los Niños Sin Miedo - howled and rattled like the garage bands that had inspired them in their formative years in Madrid, Dos was conceived by Diego Garcia (guitar, vocals) and Alex de Lucas (bass) as a chance to showcase their wider ambitions. That desire to expand the band’s sound led them to working with producer Tom Furse from The Horrors. Fans of The Parrots previous records and their life-enhancing live shows needn’t worry that things have changed too much. Dos is still very much a garage rock record, only one now painted in brighter, bolder, more psychedelic colours.
The Parrots on Heavenly Recordings
The Parrots' second album Dos is an all consuming, life-affirming joyous noise. Where their debut - Los Niños Sin Miedo - howled and rattled like the garage bands that had inspired them in their formative years in Madrid, Dos was conceived by Diego Garcia (guitar, vocals) and Alex de Lucas (bass) as a chance to showcase their wider ambitions. That desire to expand the band’s sound led them to working with producer Tom Furse from The Horrors. Fans of The Parrots previous records and their life-enhancing live shows needn’t worry that things have changed too much. Dos is still very much a garage rock record, only one now painted in brighter, bolder, more psychedelic colours.
General Meta Tags
10- titleHeavenly Recordings - The Parrots
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- authorHeavenly Recordings
Open Graph Meta Tags
6- og:descriptionThe Parrots' second album Dos is an all consuming, life-affirming joyous noise. Where their debut - Los Niños Sin Miedo - howled and rattled like the garage bands that had inspired them in their formative years in Madrid, Dos was conceived by Diego Garcia (guitar, vocals) and Alex de Lucas (bass) as a chance to showcase their wider ambitions. That desire to expand the band’s sound led them to working with producer Tom Furse from The Horrors. Fans of The Parrots previous records and their life-enhancing live shows needn’t worry that things have changed too much. Dos is still very much a garage rock record, only one now painted in brighter, bolder, more psychedelic colours.
- og:titleThe Parrots on Heavenly Recordings
- og:typeprofile
- og:imagehttps://d1rgjmn2wmqeif.cloudfront.net/a/g/100592-1.png
- og:urlhttps://heavenlyemporium.com/artist/100592-the-parrots
Twitter Meta Tags
5- twitter:cardsummary
- twitter:titleThe Parrots on Heavenly Recordings
- twitter:descriptionThe Parrots' second album Dos is an all consuming, life-affirming joyous noise. Where their debut - Los Niños Sin Miedo - howled and rattled like the garage bands that had inspired them in their formative years in Madrid, Dos was conceived by Diego Garcia (guitar, vocals) and Alex de Lucas (bass) as a chance to showcase their wider ambitions. That desire to expand the band’s sound led them to working with producer Tom Furse from The Horrors. Fans of The Parrots previous records and their life-enhancing live shows needn’t worry that things have changed too much. Dos is still very much a garage rock record, only one now painted in brighter, bolder, more psychedelic colours.
- twitter:imagehttps://d1rgjmn2wmqeif.cloudfront.net/a/g/100592-1.png
- twitter:image:altThe Parrots on Heavenly Recordings
Link Tags
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Website Locales
13- cahttps://heavenlyemporium.com/artist/100592-the-parrots?lang=ca
- dehttps://heavenlyemporium.com/artist/100592-the-parrots?lang=de
- enhttps://heavenlyemporium.com/artist/100592-the-parrots?lang=en_GB
- en-gbhttps://heavenlyemporium.com/artist/100592-the-parrots?lang=en_GB
- en-ushttps://heavenlyemporium.com/artist/100592-the-parrots?lang=en_US
1- ?subject=&body=https://heavenlyemporium.com/artist/100592-the-parrots
39- http://www.with-ochre.com
- https://heavenlyemporium.com
- https://heavenlyemporium.com/about
- https://heavenlyemporium.com/artist
- https://heavenlyemporium.com/artist/100592-the-parrots