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13- 33 links toioppublishing.org
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Search Engine Appearance
About Us - IOP Publishing
About us Expanding the world of physics IOP Publishing is a society-owned scientific publisher, providing impact, recognition and value for the scientific community. IOP Publishing’s portfolio includes more than 90 journals, around half of which are published jointly with or on behalf of partner societies and research organisations. Our publishing portfolio reflects the growth of […]
About Us - IOP Publishing
About us Expanding the world of physics IOP Publishing is a society-owned scientific publisher, providing impact, recognition and value for the scientific community. IOP Publishing’s portfolio includes more than 90 journals, around half of which are published jointly with or on behalf of partner societies and research organisations. Our publishing portfolio reflects the growth of […]

About Us - IOP Publishing
About us Expanding the world of physics IOP Publishing is a society-owned scientific publisher, providing impact, recognition and value for the scientific community. IOP Publishing’s portfolio includes more than 90 journals, around half of which are published jointly with or on behalf of partner societies and research organisations. Our publishing portfolio reflects the growth of […]
General Meta Tags
7- titleAbout Us - IOP Publishing
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Open Graph Meta Tags
en_US- og:typearticle
- og:titleAbout Us - IOP Publishing
- og:descriptionAbout us Expanding the world of physics IOP Publishing is a society-owned scientific publisher, providing impact, recognition and value for the scientific community. IOP Publishing’s portfolio includes more than 90 journals, around half of which are published jointly with or on behalf of partner societies and research organisations. Our publishing portfolio reflects the growth of […]
- og:urlhttps://ioppublishing.org/about-us/
Twitter Meta Tags
3- twitter:cardsummary_large_image
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- twitter:data13 minutes
Link Tags
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