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August Update
I'm working, just a bit slower than before. Cut me some slack. Today I turned 48. I'm fucking old. I'm still working on Where There's Smoke, There's Pazuzu. It's taken longer than planned. I love what it's become. The problem is that it's approaching 16,000 words. I feel like that's dangerously close to novella territory.…
August Update
I'm working, just a bit slower than before. Cut me some slack. Today I turned 48. I'm fucking old. I'm still working on Where There's Smoke, There's Pazuzu. It's taken longer than planned. I love what it's become. The problem is that it's approaching 16,000 words. I feel like that's dangerously close to novella territory.…
August Update
I'm working, just a bit slower than before. Cut me some slack. Today I turned 48. I'm fucking old. I'm still working on Where There's Smoke, There's Pazuzu. It's taken longer than planned. I love what it's become. The problem is that it's approaching 16,000 words. I feel like that's dangerously close to novella territory.…
General Meta Tags
14- titleAugust Update – James Scott Byrnside
- charsetUTF-8
- viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1
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- generatorWordPress.com
Open Graph Meta Tags
10- og:typearticle
- og:titleAugust Update
- og:urlhttps://jamesscottbyrnside.com/2024/08/06/august-update-3/
- og:descriptionI’m working, just a bit slower than before. Cut me some slack. Today I turned 48. I’m fucking old. I’m still working on Where There’s Smoke, There’s Pazuzu. It’s…
- og:site_nameJames Scott Byrnside
Twitter Meta Tags
3- twitter:text:titleAugust Update
- twitter:imagehttps://jamesscottbyrnside.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/img_20240805_164958985_hdr.jpg?w=640
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Link Tags
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21- https://jamesscottbyrnside.com
- https://jamesscottbyrnside.com/2024/07/19/the-five-matchboxes
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