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We Need To Talk - Jennifer Risher
When Jennifer Risher joined Microsoft in 1991, she met her husband, and with him became an extra-lucky beneficiary of the dot-com boom. By their early thirties, they had more money than they could wrap their heads around. Jennifer’s thought-provoking, personal story includes the voices of others like her and explores the hidden impact of wealth…
We Need To Talk - Jennifer Risher
When Jennifer Risher joined Microsoft in 1991, she met her husband, and with him became an extra-lucky beneficiary of the dot-com boom. By their early thirties, they had more money than they could wrap their heads around. Jennifer’s thought-provoking, personal story includes the voices of others like her and explores the hidden impact of wealth…
We Need To Talk - Jennifer Risher
When Jennifer Risher joined Microsoft in 1991, she met her husband, and with him became an extra-lucky beneficiary of the dot-com boom. By their early thirties, they had more money than they could wrap their heads around. Jennifer’s thought-provoking, personal story includes the voices of others like her and explores the hidden impact of wealth…
General Meta Tags
6- titleWe Need To Talk - Jennifer Risher
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- robotsindex, follow, max-image-preview:large, max-snippet:-1, max-video-preview:-1
- article:modified_time2023-02-23T23:42:44+00:00
Open Graph Meta Tags
7- og:localeen_US
- og:typearticle
- og:titleWe Need To Talk - Jennifer Risher
- og:descriptionWhen Jennifer Risher joined Microsoft in 1991, she met her husband, and with him became an extra-lucky beneficiary of the dot-com boom. By their early thirties, they had more money than they could wrap their heads around. Jennifer’s thought-provoking, personal story includes the voices of others like her and explores the hidden impact of wealth…
- og:url
Twitter Meta Tags
4- twitter:cardsummary_large_image
- twitter:site@JenRisher
- twitter:label1Est. reading time
- twitter:data12 minutes
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