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350 Years of Jews in North America | Jewish Women's Archive
The year 2004 marked 350 years since the first communal settlement of Jews in North America. To mark this milestone, JWA created a set of resources that would ensure that women's stories would find a prominent role in the narratives of American Jewish history that emerged during the national 350th Anniversary celebrations.
350 Years of Jews in North America | Jewish Women's Archive
The year 2004 marked 350 years since the first communal settlement of Jews in North America. To mark this milestone, JWA created a set of resources that would ensure that women's stories would find a prominent role in the narratives of American Jewish history that emerged during the national 350th Anniversary celebrations.
350 Years of Jews in North America | Jewish Women's Archive
The year 2004 marked 350 years since the first communal settlement of Jews in North America. To mark this milestone, JWA created a set of resources that would ensure that women's stories would find a prominent role in the narratives of American Jewish history that emerged during the national 350th Anniversary celebrations.
General Meta Tags
12- title350 Years of Jews in North America | Jewish Women's Archive
- charsetutf-8
- descriptionThe year 2004 marked 350 years since the first communal settlement of Jews in North America. To mark this milestone, JWA created a set of resources that would ensure that women's stories would find a prominent role in the narratives of American Jewish history that emerged during the national 350th Anniversary celebrations.
- fb:app_id724836271581064
- GeneratorDrupal 10 (https://www.drupal.org); Commerce 2
Open Graph Meta Tags
5- og:site_nameJewish Women's Archive
- og:typewebsite
- og:urlhttps://jwa.org/350years
- og:title350 Years of Jews in North America | Jewish Women's Archive
- og:descriptionThe year 2004 marked 350 years since the first communal settlement of Jews in North America. To mark this milestone, JWA created a set of resources that would ensure that women's stories would find a prominent role in the narratives of American Jewish history that emerged during the national 350th Anniversary celebrations.
Twitter Meta Tags
5- twitter:cardsummary
- twitter:descriptionThe year 2004 marked 350 years since the first communal settlement of Jews in North America. To mark this milestone, JWA created a set of resources that would ensure that women's stories would find a prominent role in the narratives of American Jewish history that emerged during the national 350th Anniversary celebrations.
- twitter:site@jwaonline
- twitter:title350 Years of Jews in North America
- twitter:urlhttps://jwa.org/350years
Link Tags
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190- https://interland3.donorperfect.net/weblink/WebLink.aspx?name=E5371&id=7
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- https://jwa.org/350years
- https://jwa.org/350years/factsheet1654
- https://jwa.org/350years/filmseries