Preview meta tags from the kasa-made.com website.
Linked Hostnames
25- 12 links tokasa-made.com
- 1 link toartdaily.com
- 1 link togdusa.com
- 1 link togothamist.com
- 1 link togothamtogo.com
- 1 link tohypebeast.com
- 1 link tohyperallergic.com
- 1 link tonyc.epeak.in
Search Engine Appearance
Kasa — Experience Design for Museums & Spaces
KASA Collective produces high-impact interactive experiences for cultural, corporate, and public spaces through storytelling, technology, and design.
Kasa — Experience Design for Museums & Spaces
KASA Collective produces high-impact interactive experiences for cultural, corporate, and public spaces through storytelling, technology, and design.
Kasa — Experience Design for Museums & Spaces
KASA Collective produces high-impact interactive experiences for cultural, corporate, and public spaces through storytelling, technology, and design.
General Meta Tags
10- titleKASA Collective — Experience Design for Museums & Spaces
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Open Graph Meta Tags
10- og:localeen_US
- og:typewebsite
- og:titleKasa — Experience Design for Museums & Spaces
- og:descriptionKASA produces high-impact interactive experiences for cultural, corporate, and public spaces. Our multimedia installations engage audiences through storytelling, technology, and design.
- og:urlhttps://kasa-made.com/
Twitter Meta Tags
4- twitter:cardsummary_large_image
- twitter:titleKasa — Experience Design for Museums & Spaces
- twitter:descriptionKASA produces high-impact interactive experiences for cultural, corporate, and public spaces. Our multimedia installations engage audiences through storytelling, technology, and design.
- twitter:imagehttps://kasa-made.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/default.jpg
Link Tags
16- EditURIhttps://kasa-made.com/xmlrpc.php?rsd
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36- http://artdaily.com/news/114044/Poster-House--A--new-museum-dedicated-exclusively-to-posters-#.XP_aPdNKii5
- http://gdusa.com/news/fresh/kasa-helps-bring-new-poster-museum-to-life
- http://www.flatirondistrict.nyc/news-and-events/newsroom/detail-news/730
- https://gothamist.com/2019/06/20/poster_museum_nyc.php
- https://gothamtogo.com/poster-house-museum-opens-in-chelsea